Elon Musk Gives SpaceX Update at IAC 2023

Elon Musk Gives SpaceX Update at IAC 2023
#ElonMusk #SpaceX #Starship

Elon Musk gave a virtual update on everything SpaceX at IAC 2023 in Baku

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27 thoughts on “Elon Musk Gives SpaceX Update at IAC 2023”

  1. Elon musk is war criminal that helped russian forces abduct , rape, torture, imprison Ukrainian children, Any one associating with him is also a criminal and needs to be taken before the HAGUE from crimes agsint children.

  2. God heโ€™s like a completely different person when heโ€™s talking about SpaceX. Reasonable, thoughtful, articulate, even with his stutter. You almost forget heโ€™s just a dyed in the wool jerk

  3. As a good leftist I feel it is my highest duty to point out how despicable and racist Elon is for not having mentioned Black people or trans people even once in this entire discussion. Absolutely unacceptable.

  4. 16:05 Launching starlink sat's V3 next year with Starship ?
    This alone shows that he is an idiot and that there isn't a single serious person in that room.
    Starship hasn't even made a successfull orbit, hasn't even reached space. It is at this moment (early october 2023) still not clear when they'll be able to go for a test flight again and he 'predicts' that next year they'll not only have a test launch but a launch with cargo? Reminder, so far all but one test with Starship ended up in it going BOOM
    Sure mate, sure next year you lau,ch Starlinks with Starship, sure. Right after you delivered that FSD robotaxis you promised every year since 2017

  5. Interesting – even before SpaceX has solved landing/catching the ship/second stage, they can still run missions to deploy Starlink satellites and failure to land simply becomes an expendable second stage (as currently happens).

  6. It is so awesome to see Elon talk about engineering, not to mention being all inspirational about keeping the candle of Consciousness lit in the vastness of space. As we all know, sometimes he can be such a dumbass!
    What he has done with SpaceX, and hopefully what he will do in the future is truly incredible! In a century or two, hopefully that's all people will remember and not any of the stupid things he has said or tweeted.

  7. "We have watched in horror as a new stage in antisemitic discourse has spread like wildfire on one of America's largest social media networks. All of this has been facilitated and enabled by its owner: Elon Musk." Nearly 150 Jewish leaders from all backgrounds — including many prominent rabbis — released a public letter this week warning about the dangerous spread of antisemitism on Twitter, the social media outlet Musk purchased in 2022 and renamed "X." Antisemitic hate speech increased exponentially on Twitter/X after Musk's takeover. Now Musk himself has openly declared war on ADL, the leading Jewish organization dedicated to combating antisemitism and extremism. The tech billionaire has amplified anti-ADL hashtags started by white nationalists. He's even threatened to sue the organization for daring to honestly report about the hatred his company is bringing into the American mainstream — ridiculously blaming it for Twitter/X's loss.

    One doesn't have to look very far back in history to see that they're correct. From the antisemite who killed 11 people in the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting to the Buffalo shooter who actively sought out Black people to murder, countless white supremacists have been recruited and radicalized online. Musk's juvenile digital behavior can and will have real-world consequences.

    It's sadly true that Christians have been complicit in, and far too often, led the way in perpetuating antisemitism throughout history — which means we have an important role to play in fighting this white supremacist hatred. Let's join together as a Christian community to denounce his attacks on ADL, call attention to his mismanagement of Twitter/X, and ask corporate advertisers to take action now.

    Thank you for everything you do to love your neighbor and stop the spread of hatred and discrimination.

    In peace,

    Karli, Rev. Nathan, and the Faithful America team

    "Lying lips conceal hatred, and whoever utters slander is a fool." – Proverbs 10:18

  8. Why are you all worshiping this apartheid alt right anti semitic anti union anti immigration transphobic gem billionaire who stole Tesla from actual hardworking americans?! And it was Tom Muller and Gywnne Shotwell who designed Star ship and Falcon btw, not his idea! /Karen (Thought I'd save her the trouble, heh)

  9. So, for communication purposes, satellites orbiting Mars? Or is communication sufficient to send and receive text, code, pictures, voicemail, calls etc. The crew should be able to talk to management to work more efficiently on Mars

  10. You would think that one of the richest men in the world with all his knowledge and expertise, with observe the rule of thirds and comb his hair or his remote broadcast.
    Visually the presentation looks stupid. I know, I know it's not about the visuals or presentation it's a factual update. I got it. Nonetheless someone needs to talk to him, and bring him up to speed on his remote presentation.๐Ÿ––


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