Elon Musk Answers All Your Questions (Investor Day 2023)

At Tesla Investor Day 2023, CEO Elon Musk answers questions from investors at its company headquarters in Austin, Texas.


34 thoughts on “Elon Musk Answers All Your Questions (Investor Day 2023)”

  1. Day 127: Elon lost 200 billion from Twitter and Tesla's recalled as unsafe. Where's the new CEO Elon promised? Most apps require sign on profiles and track user history so why are US Lawmakers banning Tik Tok? Twitter and Facebook are the biggest drivers of hate speech and user tracking. Parents accuse Snapchat messaging of enabling drug dealers but that's an American company so let's get back to blaming Tik Tok. Do they think blaming others will hide the truth?

  2. Damn, looking and listening to Elon is so fkn hypnotizing ))) His mimics is not human, he is llike from another galaxy and the way he explains difficult stuff easy for undestanding is just brilliant.

  3. The crypto market is facing a key moment right now definitely in a short period of time it's going to incure a breakout to new record high.This is a critical moment where every investor needs to be aware of buying more with the current market trends, investing in bitcoin will be a very awesome move to make as its going to sky rock soon.

  4. Vastly underestimating the utility and value of V2G bidirectional charging. The aggregated capacity of a city full of Teslas has enormous potential. Daytime, at work cycling x 1 hrs steady discharge kW. Power in the right location – urban and suburban load centers – and at the right times.

    CA charging logic is diff from NY and TX – different grid problems to solve with different tariffs/values to motivate transactions.

  5. That's not a long-term question, next. That's not a value question next…..anyone? Ok look people…the GM & Fords you are all driving we want to replace. Ok? Any questions?

  6. This is me the next generation Tesla will only cost $20,000 and then we deduct is $7500 IRA tax credit from that so are we have to spend is $13,000 for a brand new Tesla?

  7. How do keep a battery from dying a backup generator that would be a Alternator Nikola Tesla made in the past. Wireless charging would be way better then plugging into a car if they are in parking lot and on FWY carpool lanes that would keep a battery full.

  8. Close to $120k in my portfolio are in TSLA stocks, can I get an suggestions on any other stocks that I can acquire to diversify my reserve across multiple markets while creating a comprehensive portfolio allocation that balances my concerns of risk aversion and returns that meet yearly inflation??

  9. Just starting to understand amazing brains at work and also balance technology that can be used as a weapon. Tesla people are exceptional. Elon your a great leader and futuristic thinker.

  10. I stutter during speech and over the years that has really kept me from speaking up in public. Seeing Elon and others who kinda speak like me on stage not trying to be eloquent motivates me to turn a blind on my speech limitations and focus more on the content on my messages. I think the world will be a better place if the nerdies(or field experts) as opposed to the eloquent are at the forefront of organizations. This is evident in Tesla and all Musk's companies.

  11. Elon needs to pre-screen questions so it doesn't turn into an unwatchable episode of genius wasted on stupid questions. Elon asked for big thoughts and there weren't any…

  12. I just hope the next platform fixes the issues that oversimplifies model 3 and y. Like real door handles. Other ev have normal door handles and still aero. A few more buttons are not gonna kill anyone and please make the second screen an option (speedometer). Other than this tesla is great


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