Elon Musk also wants to NUKE MARS! | Part 3

Elon Musk has an absolutely INSANE plan to terraform Mars!


45 thoughts on “Elon Musk also wants to NUKE MARS! | Part 3”

  1. Isn't a big stretch to say it was green??? I know there is proof of liquid water, ice on the poles and even clay which can only happen if there is water, but have any mission found organic matter ever???? Don't think so, why assume it once had vegetation??

  2. "…lush green planet that it once was". What bullshit. There is no evidence at all that there was ever life on Mars yet alone anything as complex as lush plant life. Lots of evidence that there was liquid water- that's it.

  3. AND, catch some comets as well as they are loaded with CO2 and water.
    I do wonder where all the debris of the past plants that grew there.
    AND, are there underground monkeys living there?
    Perhaps "grow" some dinosaurs and send them there so that later, we can get the oil.
    Or, make Mars a penal colony for those pesky ISIS, Taliban, bad Russians and N. Koreans and Chinese CCP guys.
    With that mix, I would assume that they would be warring themselves to the end.

  4. any one figure out why so much attention is going to mars?… we fucked this place so eventually we're gonna have to move, or should I say the rich ppl get to move…and certain number of (slaves) sry normal or middle class ppl will get to gob👋🏼

  5. Can U imagine if there is some kind of life? They just come in and blow shit up? Isn’t this how avatar went? Like they are just asking for problems. What if those rocks came back and hit us? Nothing is certain in space. They don’t know shit. This is seriously the start of how humanity ends. Why do ppl care if they make life on another planet? And why are they so desperate? Do y’all really think we got a ticket on that plane? Hell no. Well rot here on earth while all these ppl fund this. SMH.

  6. In late 1950's ,early 1960's
    Scientist claim " if we can get a couple of tons of alge there ; in about 600 years ,Mars would be able to substain Life forms from Earth.
    This includes humans.

  7. I think it's Phobos that is the moon that is closer to Mars, and is falling into. Start buy nudging that so it would fall into Mars. It would do two things, get the terraforming off to a great start, and prevent the loss and damage of what we would have done when it would fall naturally.

  8. Wouldn’t nuking the poles creative a more hazardous environment and make it less habitable? I mean you’d have to wait probably hundreds of years maybe even thousands for the environment to be stable enough to habit.

  9. They first land machines which look for underground gas, water, and oil. Once they find at least gas. Send machines which drill for it. When the strike gas, just let it onto the atmosphere. Once you get at least 15psi, it would warm up, shield the planet from a lot of radiation, and liquid water on the surface would not only be possible, but it would likly form on its own. Humans could live using normal clothing, but would be required to use scuba gear to live.


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