Elite British Sniper Kills in Kosovo, Iraq & Afghan: Craig Harrison

Craig Harrison is known as the world’s deadliest sniper.
He shares his story of how he held the record for the longest sniper kill. Craig also opens up on his PTSD and the shocking tragedies he has witnessed in Kosovo, Iraq & Afghanistan.

This is the Eventful Life of Mr Craig Harrison.

Maverick Survival School – https://www.themavericksurvivalschool.co.uk

JAAQ – https://jaaq.org

The Eventful Lives Podcast 👉 https://podfollow.com/eventfullivespodcast


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You can also listen & download full Podcasts at the link below



01:00 – Family & Upbringing
09:30 – Saddam Hussein Firefight
13:00 – Sniper School
21:30 – First Kill
31:00 – Horror in Kosovo
36:00 – Para Regiment
43:00 – Fighting The Taliban
57:00 – Nearly Dying
1:00:00 – Going Into Hiding
1:08:00 – Craig’s Best Friend Betsy
1:20:00 – Living with PTSD


32 thoughts on “Elite British Sniper Kills in Kosovo, Iraq & Afghan: Craig Harrison”

  1. Craig is a true hero. Not just for what he's achieved in the army, but for telling his story and being honest about his mental health. We're all glad you're here Craig. Thanks for another meaningful podcast Dodge mate x

  2. Craig you are the definition of a hero.. makes me so angry listening to what you have been forced to deal from the military after giving what you have to them! I wish I could help you I really do

    I think I speak for everyone thank you for your service and good luck to your future

  3. I think Craig would benefit hugely from psychedelic therapy. Many American operators have had profound, life changing experiences with them. Please look up shawn ryan and his interviews with SF operators, they've brought so many people back from the brink.

  4. What an absolute warrior and great man what he did for his country and then treated as a piece of meat is disgusting people who run this country are a disgrace. Another amazing interview dodge have a great Christmas with Ur family mate 👍

  5. What a special, special human being Craig is. Just wow. I’ve never heard a story as honest & powerful as this. Thanks for helping him get to tell his story. Massive respect to you both.👊

  6. The voice in Craig’s head saying your vile is referring to the Governments treatment of our Armed Forces veterans,on the plus side side every time I watch a Craig Harrison podcast it’s the best ever,what an amazing man and big thanks for getting him on as a guest Dodge.👍🏼

  7. Brilliant to listen to. Reminds you what these men go through for our freedoms. Craig, keep talking brother it’s keeping you in the game 👊🏻 I understand the feeling of sadness. It’s a fight every single fucking day. I always say, it’s because our own HEARTS are good that they hurt….and THATS what keeps me going. Much love brother

  8. Seen few of Craig’s podcast. Have family that was in the marines and did the same
    Roles as Craig and was on the same tours. He Tells no lies and is a hero and a great man well done again can see the pain and passion in the man well done again dodge ❤

  9. I am also a veteran, I suffer everyday with ptsd, it’s like a never ending nightmare. I understand that civvies can end up with ptsd too but there is definitely a difference between military and civilian ptsd. There needs to be more help for veterans, and hopefully videos like this can bring about more awareness and help for my fellow veterans💪

  10. What a man Craig is wow just hope there’s someone out there who can help unlock theses demons he carry’s round with him.
    Our government should be doing everything to help Craig and others to get through this instead of giving bullshit PPE contracts to there Fucken mates , makes me sick to my stomach.
    All the best to that Hero massive respect.❤

  11. Sometimes you feel that the only control you have is when your own life ends, it can get consuming, you can get through it though, some people find something to focus on, something they feel is worthwhile or that means something to them, some save themselves by saving others, the main thing is it's your decision not someone else's and you control what you do.

  12. Craig you truly touch my heart. You are a HERO.. I feel disgusted how we treat our soldiers. I completely understand there is not enough help for mental health I have experienced it in my family. Dodge we must be able to start a fund to help Craig's charity how do we help and support people with PTSD.

  13. People forget how horrific the Kosovo War was. It was only in 1999. Having to PID enemy can only mess your head up massively. And as thanks the British press stick Craig’s face in the newspaper. Total idiocy. How can Craig not be furious.

    Blast injury is devastating. I don’t feel this much talking is doing him benefit. Some people do need to talk. Some people can get stuck and civilian society’s fascination with killing and what war feels like can turn someone into a circus attraction. Concussion then being in that size of explosion is so destructive to the brain. His brain has been damaged. That’s why people have the inability to feel joy. Complex PTSD is todays catch all diagnosis. I don’t that that’s the problem. Friends of mine ex military have had PTSD.

    Craig needs psychedelic therapy. Psilocybin. Prof David Nutt is trying to get it approved by NICE. It’s the only substance that clinically proven to regenerate the brain.

    I’ve always meant to reach out to Craig. I saw his first interview ages ago on Lads Bible. And he’s still stuck. He doesn’t have to suffer like he is.

  14. I’ve watched all Craig’s pods and they never fail to deliver I can listen to the same story’s and be amazed and captivated by the way he speaks.

    He seems a lot more relaxed in the vids the more he talks it’s like a pressure is lifted I can’t talk for how he feels but that’s what I see in my opinion plus dodge you’ve clearly made him comfortable well done 👏

  15. Speechless .. absolutely speechless.

    What an idol of a bloke.

    The fallen, they are hero’s for sure, Craig sir, you also are a hero. I feel like most people would agree.


    I was going to watch that and go sleep but I need a minute..

    🫡 to you.

    Brilliant interview too well done mate. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  16. I never comment on videos or anything like that but I feel this is too powerful to not mention anything.

    I have followed Craig, for a while and I too believe he is a hero, not only for the lives he has saved through his career, but also the lives I know he has changed and the ones he will undoubtedly change.

    It's so ironic I was going to mention Craig, to my psychologist the day this was released (we didn't have a chance)
    When I got home this was one of the first things I saw, and I'm so glad this interview happened.

    Dodge, you are an incredible person doing amazing things, please carry on doing what you're doing as I'm sure you too are helping so many people.

    Craig, keep talking, keep loving your wife, your daughters, your dog, KEEP LIVING.

    I love you both.

  17. Just wanted to say ‘thank you’ Craig(and to your fellow soldiers)for your service and sacrifices. Also to let you know it reaches further in actually helping people such as myself come to terms with personal issues, which although are not directly associated,you’re story and advice is transferable and has had a huge impact on my life and outlook(along with many other of Dodges interviews) so ‘thank you’ and stand tall,you are a very special man. 🙏❤️

  18. This man is a legend. I know personally that the forces turn their back on you after Active Service during the various overseas issues that we have had (I still have a few monkey's on my back). It is fine spending the Billions of money on the weapons, but obviously not fine to take care of the blokes that are at the pointy end that fire them, whilst doing your job. No amount of military training could prepare you for when they actually capture a sniper, the treatment that you would receive would make you want to have been shot through the head prior to capture.
    Nuff Said.


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