Eliminating fossil fuel use means ‘ruining billions of lives’

Author and Energy Expert Alex Epstein says fossil fuels are “making the world an amazing place”.

The COP28 President has criticised the phase-out of fossil fuels across the world.

Mr Epstein told Sky News host Rita Panahi that they have “some warming impact”.

“It’s insignificant compared to the benefits.

“To try and get rid of that warming impact now, means ruining billions of lives.”


36 thoughts on “Eliminating fossil fuel use means ‘ruining billions of lives’”

  1. Unless you've got nuclear or enough hydropower to keep your country's lights on you cannot hope to function without fossil fuels, and that's just the electricity, there are far too many products made from petroleum to have a hope of replacing with alternatives, from the clothes on your back to your phones to most of your house! It will ruin billions of lives and end several hundred million more prematurely… just like real socialism!

  2. It's all a hoax to wipe out the middle class. You will own nothing and be happy. All of your food will be grown in a lab and the controligarchs already own the patents. They will own all the land (Gates) and all the houses (Blackrock). Wake up sheeple.

  3. Climate Change Hoax. 😈
    The first stage of three stages of the Digital ID Bill has just passed through Parliament. 😈
    If all three stages of this Bill are passed – then any remnant of Australian people’s privacy is utterly destroyed.
    God Help Us !!! 🙏

  4. For Leftists' environmentalist fantasies to work the way they pretend they would, it would require reducing the global population from approximately 8 billion people down to about 500 million, answering to a Far Left totalitarian regime, starving to death while their meager resources (despite the new abundance) are siphoned away for the benefit of their Marxist philosopher-kings, who will pat themselves on the back for their fairness and their glorious will to "save the Earth" from humanity. The policy proposals always lead to a dystopian hellscape, but the Leftist is never bothered by this, because the KNOW that they will be the pampered oligarch in charge, for whom the great unwashed masses toil, and who will grant those masses the occasional crumb to maintain their fealty. If all of this sounds remarkably similar to feudalism, that's because it is. Leftists pine for being the landed aristocracy and forcing all of their enemies into a peasantry to be used and abused. It is a philosophy of greed.

  5. Ironically, trees love carbon and they give back oxygen in return for it. It only takes two trees to produce a year's worth of oxygen for one person. So the goal should be that everyone pay for two trees to be planted, then we can pay no more attention to climate change.

  6. I can only assume any actual fully grown adult who is a loony lefty like Clinton (and Albo together with his entire caucus for that matter) simply want to ensure all young up and coming voters are thoroughly brainwashed since that affords them more power. And once you have a brainwashed welfare state, you basically no longer have democracy – elections are merely there to give the impression it is a contest.

  7. When Hillary or John Cary get back into the real world and disconnect from their mansions and private jets, we will all be more inclined to be at least attentive to their preachings from the Green Gospel, although they remain a completely fact free nonsense. Meantime, can someone grab the keys to their private jet(s) and tell them to get to the airport and take a regular commercial flight home, that would save hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon for a start. Can someone check out what the carbon cost is for Chris Bowen's entourage of 49 attendees to this waste-of-space convention. When we see the entire Federal Govt. car fleet swapped out to EV vehicles, we will be more attentive, or at least amused, by how this grand plan stuff-up is supposed to work. Its ok, we are in no serious danger of that ever happening. Way too much OHS protection in place to ever take on the exploding cars.

  8. A little education from a common sense perspective.
    The earth has a layer surrounding it, ever since the 60’s we began punching holes through this layer, why, you tell me. Fossil fuels are not as big an issue than sending satellites etc.. at astronomical expense of which could be used for a greater good. Everyone needs to get their heads out of their ass and look at this from a reality and stop this worthless crap that leaves a three times carbon footprint verses fossil fuels!
    Lastly for all the idiots out there who do not look at nature and physics in general the earth tilts over time, this is why weather has changed and we actually find proof that animals and humans once thought to exist in cold regions are being dug up in hot climates. Hello!

  9. Excellent video and thanks to Rita and Alex for exposing the lies and deceptions the warmist retards use to frighten people, so they can control them. And no Alex, fossil fuels do NOT warm the Earth (1:50) . Many scientific, reviewed, published studies in last few years have shown that this is "an urban myth" pushed by the likes of Al Gore, James Hansen, Michael E Man and off course Hilary Clinton. Do your research.


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