Elden Ring – Top 10 Spirit Summons In the Game RANKED (You NEED These Spirits)

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28 thoughts on “Elden Ring – Top 10 Spirit Summons In the Game RANKED (You NEED These Spirits)”

  1. The mimic can be pretty inconsistent. I've had time where it's used my abilities to demolish bosses, and I've had time where it's just stood in lava and tried to poke stuff with a stick

  2. I love how you went from a shirtless dude with a club to what looks like Cruella Deville's twisted cousin. It's also nice to see the wide variety of Spirits and playstyles they accommodate in this game. While "souls" games aren't my thing, it's great to see a new title doing well and not be a complete trashfire.

  3. When I didn’t see Kaiden sellsword in the list I thought something was off.
    But then I didn’t see jelly boi at number 1 I knew this wasn’t a correct list.

    I seriously would put Kaiden sellsword on the list. He has more health than a lot on that list and out damages a few. I only run mine at level 6~ atm as I’ve been trying to rank others up to compare before I go all the way. But he had beaten rioh easy. I summoned them both in Caria manor to fight giant hands and rioh died before beating the second. Kaiden beat 3 and still walked around with me after with just under half health.

  4. lhutel is by far the best summon for pure ranged classes and perhaps melee as well since he has a ranged attack. Get him to +10 you will not regret it. Him being able to literally negate HUGE damage combos just by fading in and out is crazy good. The greatshield soldiers are also really good to level up. Having 5 shield dudes is really nice for soaking damage. The wolves are also really nice at staggering enemies. Not as much health but still really good. I'd say mimic tear is better for melee classes. Ranged classes kinda need someone close to the boss keeping aggro, like sometimes since i'm a pure caster my mimic tear will literaly melee with the staff, not good.

  5. No mention of jellyfish or rotten stays? I've had the rotten strays poison bosses and take them out almost all on their own. I don't think the tick damage ever actually wears off after it's applied. Great video, I'll be hunting some of these down.

  6. Try mimic tear summon, dual blood ushigatana, lord of blood exultation talisman, and ice ring hatchet. Most bosses get absolutely destroyed even Melenia and Maliketh. Super cheesy way to play.

  7. Another thing for the Mimic Tear… it will copy your consumables too. So if you equip pots or items like the gravity stones or bleed knives, it will used those too

  8. Nice to see Oleg still holds up, he served me well early on when I was going full mage and was just as good later on when I respeced into strength, and I would hate to have to part with him.


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