Elden Ring Review | PC Gamer

The Dark Souls series, including Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne, were open worlds before the term referred to the structure of games like Grand Theft Auto and Assassin’s Creed. Far off castles and swamps caught your eye, you puzzled out a linear path towards them, fell down a hole and went looking for a new destination. They didn’t need maps or icons, because their worlds were dense with clues and lures leading to new paths and back to old locations.
It worked, but spreading the mysteries and challenges of Dark Souls across an open world in the conventional sense—castles to infiltrate from many angles, swamps to ride through on horse, and beasts to chase you down—is the kind of thing you dream about.


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33 thoughts on “Elden Ring Review | PC Gamer”

  1. I just want people to realize that a lot of the reused stuff was on purpose by the devs. Elden ring is literally the combination of their last decade of work in one game. Miyazaki said so himself that this game is in the dark souls genre so its weird when people get mad or disappointed that the game feels like dark souls.

  2. This will be the first game I play from this developer, so the reusing of stuff from previous games will not bother me.
    I'm hoping the performance will be OK though. I have quite a powerful PC, but the reports of stuttering worries me.

  3. I’m really worried about the PC performance issues I’ve heard about. It doesn’t seem like anyone has had a consistent experience on there. Some report minimal issues that are easy to avoid, others (like you) say that the bugs will affect the experience but not egregiously so, and others still say that the PC issues make the game nigh unplayable for them.

    I’m hopeful for the day 1 and early patches, but I think I’ll hold off on buying until I get a clearer picture of what the PC experience is like. As someone who’s never touched a Souls game before, I’m excited to play Elden Ring, but my $60 aren’t going anywhere until I know what I’m getting.

  4. Didnt we refer to games like GTA as open world back when GTA III was a thing? 8 years before Demons souls was even a thing? just curious because i dont know anyone that ever called dark/demons souls open world, but i sure know people talking about the PS2 ERA GTAs that way.

  5. You get an upvote for actually stating the blatant negatives and not reading like a PR script from Bandai Namco. Some of them have the gall to gush over "imaginative and compelling" enemies that are literal transplants from previous games, animation and all. Even between the Dark Souls games and Demon Souls, they all LOOKED and FELT different, including rehashed monsters. You could easily differentiate footage between the three. Other than the open world, one would easily be fooled into thinking this game was just Dark Souls 3.

  6. played for 51 minutes on steam….this game runs so bad it is disgusting. I have a I79700 rtx2080ti 32 gigs of ram and the game installed on a ssd. at times this game is running at like 10fps or out right freezing almost constantly.

  7. Probably an unpopular opinion given the audience of this video but I'd love for the Soul games to have a "moderate" difficulty setting. I like to relax when playing games and I'm not necessarily attracted to overcoming very challenging bosses. I mean what's the harm in having that as an option? Wouldn't even care if they called it baby mode…. You do you.

  8. I had to refund because I cant rebind mouse keyboard keys. Cant even exit the menu because you can only exit with a controller ( i do not have one). once in game the performance on my high end pc is terrible.


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