Elden Ring PVP Moonveil Builds All Over The Shop

Moonveil Builds All Over The Shop…You’ll be one of them, sooner or later…


48 thoughts on “Elden Ring PVP Moonveil Builds All Over The Shop”

  1. Can you manual aim with frozen lightning spear? I see you try it a few times, but the first time, you locked onto an enemy in the back ground and the 2nd time, I don't remember but I'm pretty sure you tried.

  2. moonveil is definitely not that op for duels, its just really good for ganks with the combination of the unsheathe mechanics and the high range and damage that you can just throw in whenever so nerfing it might not be as simple as just lowering its scaling or damage, we'll see soon though

  3. This is why I tried to go KIND of original with my Katana build. Using Hand of Malenia and Nagakiba and the poke is hilarious. I love invading random ganks and just using Malenia's weapon art LMAO

  4. My current build is a Maiden Cosplay. Had to equip a straight sword with bloodhound step (somewhat accurate to the cosplay i guess) and all my faith buffs just to deal with these. Luckily most of them I have met so far seem to be new and/or bad players so once they realize that their moonveil gets constantly dodged, they crumble under the pressure and die.

    That stupid shield and death ailment exploit are way more annoying though.

  5. Hello I’m using your build it’s great but just want to know it’s normal to get so much dmg from great swords ? And you know what’s the lv cap right now? And last thing where do you get that helmet? Btw loving your videos keep up the good work!

  6. A lot of people complain about moonveil is too op and takes no skill to use because of the weapon art, I agree. But little did they know that the moonveil weapon art can be parry SUPER easily. Always equip a Caestus in your backup secondary slot and put "parry" art on it, because it has the fastest parry animation and doesn't weight much(1.5 wgt). When ever ppl use the moonveil art, you will hear a "ding" sound right before they unlease the attack, as soon as you hear the "ding" sound just spam parry and it will parry right on time, then you just go critical hit them. I'm currently 217 and did it to countless mooveil user. you should also get in to close range like he did at 0:23, that was a perfect parry moment.

  7. I've already invaded far over 100 times.

    And like a quarter of it is double mage gankers spamming moonveil.

    Another quarter is just moonveil spammers.

    So many weapons and half the people use moonveil.
    And then T-bag after spamming it 50 times and eventually managing to one-shot you.


  8. People are overreacting way too much. Moonveil is strong, yes, but so is every other weapon if you build around it properly. Overall damage is way higher compared to other souls games and you can literally one shot with everything. It may be fast, but it is pretty easy to punish if you know how it works.

    PVE is another story, though. The fact you can break stance in two attacks does trivialize many encounters. You can almost perma-crit bosses to death.

  9. I don’t know where you find all these people to 1v1 against lol I’m lvl 125 and can’t find anyone I haven’t unlocked the snow area yet though

  10. Broken pvp n broken weapons in pvp broken damage..Dark soul 3 pvp r much much much better than elden ring…in dark souls 3 if you have skills u can kill 3v1 but in elden ring 2v1 or 3v1 r much harder to deal with specialy everyone spamming moonvil weapon are and it deal too much damage..in the end I like this game but in pvp or .3v1 it (0/10).

  11. john 3:7- Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
    john 3:3-Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

    john 3:16-For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  12. does your build work with the mimic tear ashes summon? like does the mimic use your weapons ability and incantations? because if so that is really overpowerd

  13. To be honest, I'm running a moonveil build, but I use it way different than most people. Most people seem to just rely on spamming the moonveil skill, the way I use it is I'm using spells (mainly light spells just for long range pokes while they're healing, and some out of range damage), then I have uchigatana+25 with hoarfrost stomp, and moonveil. The main spell I use is Adula's Moonblade though. This build is a bleed/frost/magic hybrid and it works well, but also makes fights way more interesting than moonveil spam. I'll try to land stomp and other spells/melee hits and really only use moonveil when I know I can catch someone rolling/charging/to interrupt one of their ashes of wars with a big cast time, or to finish someone off.

    Sure moonveil hits hard, but it's very easy to deal with one. I run into pure moonveil spamming builds 24/7, and I've only lost to one simply because I ran out of stamina not paying attention so I couldn't dodge when I tried to dodge.

  14. People need to realise that moonveil is for most players the first int scaling weapon they come across and because of that they fall into its use, i started prisoner and its stats align with it specialy.

  15. Either the skill ceiling is low or maybe I just had too high of an expectation to see PvP because you need more skill to beat bosses than players


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