Elden Ring PC Performance Simply Isn't Good Enough

Over the years, From Software’s PC ports have gradually increased in quality – but something’s gone badly wrong with Elden Ring, starting with its profound stuttering problems.

Note: there’s a small error in the PS5 equivalent settings table. Shadow quality in the favour quality mode is maximum, not high.

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44 thoughts on “Elden Ring PC Performance Simply Isn't Good Enough”

  1. This hurts to see because I was so excited to play this on PC. I will absolutely pick this up once this issues gets resolved. My biggest pet peeve is Journalists giving this game Perfect Scores across the board. Especially when games like Horizon Forbidden West and FF7 Port where panned for performance issues and other various bugs and glitches. I know this game will be incredible once polished , but still complete double standard.

  2. I didn't know stutters/slowdowns were this bad… Already almost 20h in the game on my PC. I'm using half a year old GPU driver and my game is placed on fast NVME (970 Evo 1tb), and so far, I haven't experienced stutters of this scale. Minor slowdowns, but they are so minor I don't even notice them. Ryzen 3600, 32gb of fast 3600Mhz RAM (tightened timings) and 2070 Super (stock).

  3. On my 2060 super I get 60 fps with drops to 50 in some areas on maximum settings at 1080p. Heavy but short stutters happen in certain places like that one grace near the broken shack and like 3 other places, not really something that would get me killed

  4. From software could do better, however I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND SKIPPING. 36 hours into this game so far, and no the stutter doesn't make it unplayable. There was always stutters on loading areas, but I never really had the stutters with animations or enemies, my game was up to date as well as drivers so that might have an effect on it. After traveling to almost every area so far, I have to say the game is still 100% playable, most of it being at a solid 60fps. I wouldn't let a loading stutter the determining factor for skipping, as most of the game is fine. If its not your type of game, by all means go ahead and skip, but if it is your type of game, let me tell you this game is absolutely phenomenal. I hope the performance issues get resolved as I'd hate for such a thing to steer people away from such a gem. Make your own decisions though.

  5. I just put it all to maximum. The only thing that consistently changes my fps is 4k. So at 1440 its not perfect but I'm used to it now. I have an i7 9700k 2070super and 32gbs of ram. I just want to have fun so I'm not really hurt by any of this. There are crazy drops sometimes but meh.

  6. For a 60$ AAA game with an 80$ edition, the problems it has now is just unacceptable.

    FPS/Optimization problems

    No ultrawide support

    No uncapped fps support above 60

    No option to turn off the chromatic aberration

    Camera issues present as always..

    Shitty hitboxes present as always..

    Some people have reported input lag and multiple crashes

    Anti-Cheat to prevent unofficial mods/fixes

    Struggling to maintain even the simplest of settings on a 3080

    No option to switch between Playstation, PC and Xbox button prompts on a whim depending on what controller you're using. < This issue has been going on for years now in From's souls games.

    People shouldn't have to search online and mess around in order to fix a problem the developers themselves should have taken care of long before release…

  7. I have 12900K + 6900XT

    It is literally unplayable… in tree sentinel boss fight frame drop to 0 and then i saw boss have many frames ahead of me 😑😐

    I really cant beat the first boss😂

  8. It’s crazy to see the 10/10 reviews based on PC review copies. Now I can see it being a masterpiece with the performance taken out of the equation. But this game demands on point stability(imo).

  9. Had unacceptable levels of stuttering and then followed the elden ring subreddit tech thread recommendations and now it's so rare I'm like "oh wow it finally stuttered" when it does happen. It's 100% playable. I tried all their fixes at once so can't say what worked best but I recommend checking it out.

  10. Be careful Alex i have now been banned on twatter for speaking out in anger against the you know what situation.. F the P and the R and stay strong the U. I thought twatter was run by the USA yet they don't want hate against an invading thing, snowflake surely doesn't support such things. I am so annoyed but if you speak what you think you are silenced. Stay strong my euro brothers and F the silencing of speach against free countries by twatter.

  11. I truly sucks that Elden Ring is having these issues on PC. My brother is playing the PS5 version with absolutely no issues, having a blast, and here I am waiting for the PC version to actually become playable. Such a great game marred by awful performance…

  12. Who the fuck actually cares about the PC version. Who plays a souls game on PC? Quietly enjoying yourself and a modder invades you with invincibility. If you’re playing Elden ring on anything other than a PlayStation you’re doing it wrong.

  13. Phew! Glad I'm not one of the ones suffering this time. No stutters at all on a 3080ti with a 10700k max settings 1440p locked hard at 60fps. None, and I'm very sensitive to stutters. There are definitely some configs that are not suffering from stutters.

    I'm not a fan of the 60fps cap but Gsync mitigates it and the world is simply sublime, so it's worth it. I didn't even like the souls games but this is a different beast. I've not had as much fun exploring in a game for the last 20 odd years. Maybe ever.

  14. whats the point of this game when the cards that can play it aren't in stock or way over priced.
    I'am still on a gtx 970 & there's NO WAY i'am buying a game to play at minimum settings.
    This game should have been delayed for PC till more hardware could run it & stock of gpu's there to buy at MSRP.

  15. The PS4 version on PS5 100% always 60FPS ° So the PS4 version on PS5 console is best so far.

    Elden Ring looks exceptionally good, it has graphics comparable technics more even better than anything else: the objects and figures the world looks more tangible and damn good.

    Elden Ring PC version is very well done, a few not repeating / only once very short stutters are just image / area charging stutters. So also very playable on PC, during fights or other important moments the game always runs smoothly! ❤‍🔥💦💋 Logically

  16. That's nothing new. Fromsoft has always had a history of being incompetent as fuck when it came to porting their games to PC. But now, given the issues that PS5 is having with game saves going missing, it seems that their technical incompetence is spreading to consoles as well.

  17. This is more a response to the people in the community bitching, not necessarily the video itself, but Elden ring is an amazing game, I’m 20 hours in and it’s been very fun, quite possibly the best fromsoft game I’ve played, if you’re not willing to play it just because of what amounts to relatively minor performance issues you’re really missing out

  18. Glad DF is also shedding light on performance issues. Wish the terrible performance of God of War on AMD hardware got a "Simply Isn't Good Enough" video too. I would have waited until it got fixed as I will with this game.


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