Elden Ring My experience with Godrick

Lore Masters!!

I noticed a couple things while editing this video that feels important for my upcoming video on elden ring lore. First off there are a ton of yellow sunflowers which doesn’t seem important at first but Sekiro and Elden ring have something about trees and to a more hidden extent flowers and plants. The divine tree is a sakura tree and in elden ring its just a shiny gold tree but golden flowers seem to be tied to the tree. Try looking around various NpCs to see what flowers surround their character. Heck even the oldest things in dark souls seemed to turn into trees.
Another thing I noticed was with Godricks clothes, in sekiro when you use the sculptors outfit he has little decorations of water on it (the rejuvenating waters or even Mibu village) and lady butterfly has butterflies on hers, Genichiro has a flower on his chest and the horse boss at the beginning has Leaves decorating his armor so the clothes you wear matter like an insignia or a crest for your family and where you allegiance stands. Well Godricks clothes seem to have a DNA strand looking thing on the front part and I couldn’t make it out clearly but it seems that he might have a flower on the back of his blanket cape.

And lastly speaking of Sekiro, it’s interesting that Genichiro seems to have a maple leaf 🍁 on his armor when the divine dragon is associated with Sakura blossoms 🌸 and maple leaves are associated with the Bhuddist Monks of senpou temple. This could have massive implications on his lore in particular but this is just something I noticed while typing the description.

The Quick guide on flowers

Golden flowers are associated with the tree (although there are two separate types of gold flowers, regular flowers and sunflowers)

Maple leaves are associated with the bhuddist Monks but seemingly more important theh seem to be a metaphor for aging and life and the beauty of living

Pink flowers surprisingly seem to be associated with poison or maybe a parasitic nature to the poison. So the Divine Dragons Immortality might be more parasitic than holy.

AND PURPLE FLOWERS seem to be associated with space. But more importantly space rocks.(because something also important are aliens and their space blood Or whatever)

If there are blue flowers then that’s moon magic probably

AND LASTLY, The divine Dragons got a beard just like this fucking dragon guys!!! AAAAAND MORE OVER the Divine Dragons body is partly tree(not counting the whole ass tree under him) but you know what else has a tree body? The two Fingers and Godrick and they ALL HAVE GREY FUCKING HAIR


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