ELDEN RING Is Poorly Designed…… According To Jealous Game Developers

ELDEN RING Is Poorly Designed…… According To Jealous Game Developers


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23 thoughts on “ELDEN RING Is Poorly Designed…… According To Jealous Game Developers”

  1. I love single campaigns I much prefer it, I went back and started playing gears of war, I know you can play that on Co op but you don't have to, I really enjoyed playing the 1st gears now I can't wait to play through them all.

  2. On games, I always ever take them as stories written by… whoever. Usually a team.

    Don't like the book? Plenty out there to pick up. Same with games.

    Planescape Torment, yo.

  3. Been loving it only issue ive ever found was a minor slowdown i had was at the start and they patched that out 2nd day its a stunning game and there is some sort of crusade going to bring it down when it is allmost perfect

  4. The only reason im not playing elden ring right now is because i sliced open my thumb and cant play. This gane is so good. And i donno why people say its hard. If anything it is the easiest souls style game from fromsoftware.

  5. A game that holds your hand and tell you where to go, tells you what to do and is easy and story driven is called A MOVIE! If i wanted all that i just wach a movie. A game is at its best when you get lost doing what ever the hell you want and being rewarded for it.

  6. Elden Ring is poorly designed but, in the same way all the Dark Souls games are… and that "poor design" is half of the reason why players love the Souls series. It's not poorly designed in a way that's detrimental to the experience or unexpected as far as I can tell (and I'm a good 50 hours in easily and still loving it). The "Poor Design" in this game is exactly what you'd think it is if you've played any of the previous games;
    – Lack of explanation to some of the games deeper mechanics and only the most basic mechanics explained fully
    – Seemingly unfair enemies or the reverse in enemies that can be beaten easily by "Cheesing" the AI
    – Platforming segments in a game that has awful janky platforming mechanics

    – A lack of real direction or explanation when it comes to side quests (As with most Souls games, the internet is your friend when it comes to side quests as with certain quests there is literally no hint at what you do to progress the quest. This does not apply to the main questline, only optional stuff).
    – Loads of secrets, hidden paths behind illusionary walls, Hidden NPCs etc that are essentially impossible to find naturally without playing online or using an online guide.

    I separated those last two big issues as they aren't really issues when you consider that the Souls series have a very unique online aspect where players can leave pre-set messages in the world that will appear in other online players worlds. The entire point of that is so that players in the community can leave messages like "Secret Path Ahead" or "Watch Out For Ambush" to warn or inform other players of the discoveries made during their playthroughs- which players can either heed or ignore. Also you can find other players "Blood Pools" nearby where they died in their world and "play" them back, so you can see the last 10 seconds of that players life to get a hint as to how they died or what they were trying to do when they died.
    And if you play the game offline then you can just google all this shit or look at guides to side quests or getting secret items… that's a perfectly normal part of gaming in this generation that's simply how gaming has evolved lets be real.

    Honestly the Souls games are designed very much like games from the early 90's or in the arcades. They don't explain much, they are very difficult, they refuse to hand hold and they use "Word of mouth" to spread their secrets. It's just a more modern take on all that. It's terrible game design by todays standards but only because it goes back towards gaming's roots and some people don't like that. It's exactly what happened to Metroid Dread- game got fantastic reviews and was one of the most successful games in the franchise- an excellent game but, other game designers started shitting on it for doing things that literally all the other Metroid games before it had done and having elements of older game design in it. In Metroids case we got to see some of the other game devs actually playing the game live and it turns out they were just really shit at both playing the game and picking up on the really clever use of subtle cues level design.

  7. Got the game this week with my Series X. The game is so good. It’s one of the best open world games since The Witcher 3.

    It brings fun, curiosity and a sense of adventure back to gaming. It’s really great.

    This is so well refined from previous Souls games. Love love love it!

  8. I too only play offline, and solo campaigns, and that won't ever change. The best days of gaming IMO, were when you just stuck in say a SNES cartridge and you could play straight away, on your own. Online gaming is good for some folk, not dissing it, especially those who enjoy the friendship it can bring. Its just my view, like Mr H here, that offline is what i will always do. I don't own a PS5 yet, as i just feel it will be online stuffed games, so i just stick with PS4 and PS3 for now, and it doesn't bother me tbh.

  9. I love your dry and no bullshit approach to these topics. These devs stink of jealousy. Ofcourse they are allowed to critique something, that’s fine, Elden Ring is not perfect. But considering their approach, they don’t have a leg to stand on. & yes, to that dev, maybe your life is a lie? Elden Ring is giving your a midlife crisis and I say, GOOD.

    As a woman who has been gaming since the 90’s, I’m personally shocked at how Aloy could have such a hairy face yet perfectly sculpted and tweezed eyebrows. Aloys appearance was for me, enough incentive to not want to buy the game. The active erasure of femininity in AAA games is anti woman, anti feminist and just unappealing for old school female gamers like me.

  10. "it's just Dark Souls." That's the common response from actual gamers. I couldn't give 2 fucks what these developers say. Also you got IGN and Game Spot kissing their asses.

  11. I have played Elden Ring for 50+ hours and I am barely halfway through the game. I have stopped several times to admire the views of the beautiful world!. It´s a massive game, I love it!

  12. Ironically, a dev from Ubisoft criticized about "quest design" in Elden ring while looking back at AC Oddysey Quest checklist, tons of quests and they were basically meaningless and had no lore to any story. He must have been so high to type that shit.

  13. There are some valid criticism s of Elden Ring, but that doesn't mean that it's a failed game.

    I wonder if this was that Ubisoft dev's first FromSoft game. It isn't terribly uncommon for newbies to From's approach to games. From what I've seen, it will either click and they suddenly get it, or they quit early.

    Which is fine. No game has universal appeal. And not enjoying the experience you had with a game doesn't necessarily mean that it provides a bad ux. Maybe it's just not your kind of game.

  14. The game I very good, and so is Horizon as well. These developers are just mad because Elden Ring is getting more shine. Despite Horizon actually being more of a graphical powerhouse. I'm sure their work was way harder. The truth of it is, both games have graphical flaws,even though I suspect Fromsofts flaws probably could have been avoided. It's just people are enjoying the whole exploration aspect of the game, which is completely missing from Games nowadays

  15. This game is absolutely massive many of the top pros and content creators that play Apex legends are now streaming this game and giving it lots of airtime. So those jealous Devs pathetic criticisms have pretty much fallen on deaf ears. The truth of how good Eldern Ring is, is already out there. And there are no in-game purchases you just spend about 50 or 60 quid and you have a game with ample rewards and content for a solid 4 months or longer if you’re fitting gameplay in with your 9-5 job like the majority of people and also exploring the map in its entirety.


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