Elden Ring is Overrated (Final Review)

Elden Ring is an overrated game.
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20 thoughts on “Elden Ring is Overrated (Final Review)”

  1. I agree with most things you said. I personally don’t understand how someone could say “this is the best game ever ” or a “overrated disaster “. Grant it I’ve logged about 50hrs since launch and I understand stand how players could say it’s great and that they disliked it. I’ve played all the souls games and enjoyed them, but it’s not for everyone and that’s okay. The game had lots of hype and therefore lots of new players and lots of discovered it wasn’t for them. Was it over hyped yes and no. I feel like the hype was mainly towards those hardcore players that haven’t had a new true souls like in years. Grant it their was lots of new players that felt like they wasted their money, but most of the long term players feel fulfilled.
    Anyway great video man. And out of all the reviewers that disliked the game I’ve watched you’re the only one so far that has a good reason for not liking it.

  2. To me the elden ring is way to easy compared to dork souls 3. And for me I love the obscurity, it makes finding shit so MUCH more interesting and exciting then just being told . I love exploring badass shit. Big hard on. Also I love doing pvp. And I'm a Major masochist …. I really wish I died more in elden. It's to easy imo

  3. Side bosses are very repetitive i spent like 10 hours exploring caves and its so disappointing and repetitive , and yes it doesn't have direction , i spent over 30 hours trying to figure out where to go and i ended up watching a youtube guide on where to go , this game is not a 10/10 game critics reviews are misleading they been paid a shit ton of money to give it that rating , for me this game is not new its literally dark souls 4 , didn't add anything new , this game needed a mission list so you can know where to go and a compelling storytelling not the same shit we had with dark souls , i played dark souls 1 2 3 and i don't know about the story , for me elden ring is fun but not a masterpiece would give it 7/10

  4. Not to sound like a beta male dork but I'm really good at soulsborne type games especially the pvp. I have to say I'm getting really sick of getting 1 or 2 shot by bosses it's bad game design and very lazy in my opinion. It's like I'm playing Nioh 1/2 with the amount of 1 to 2 shots that keep happening, there's a reason those games dropped in price significantly fast, I never played a Souls type game from fromsoft to where it's happening non stop it's not fun it's extremely frustrating and needs addressing. If I have to cheese bosses ( Radahn and Fire Giant) you made a terrible boss design, these two are like the bed of chaos on steroids it's beyond disgusting.

  5. The reason why people have to give it 10s and 9s it’s because they’ll get Doxxed or have thousands of videos made on them if they say something remotely reasonably about the game. Fuck the souls genre and it’s fans. For real.

  6. Ghost of Tsushima was a better game. I play that game exclusively on Lethal+ and I still cannot stop playing it. The story was great and the world too. Keep in mind the director of these souls games doesn’t even play his own game which is a shame. And no I’m legit not making this up you can look it up!

  7. I like how these Souls games don't hold your hand, it's about exploring yourself and figuring it out instead of having everything explicitly spelt out for you like 99 percent of other games do. Some games you're wondering whether you need to be in the room as it seemingly plays itself. Anyway, Elden Ring is terribly optimized for PC, their initial problems aside, it's locked at 60 FPS, no ultrawide support, a mouse binding option that you can't bind your mouse buttons to?, why are we even restricted to the same limited functions of controller players, and so on. Of the Souls games this is probably the best, it's kinda like if BOTW ploughed Dark Souls and they had a baby. I love how they pretty much make the same game though and give it a different name, I mean effectively we're up to Dark Souls like 8 or 9 by now.


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