Elden Ring is Life! – Huber Syndrome

Huber shares his thoughts after 70 hours with Elden Ring.

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41 thoughts on “Elden Ring is Life! – Huber Syndrome”

  1. As someone who shied away from all the games in the souls series,im too old for too much frustration but i love rpgs, mmos and arpgs etc,should i stay away from this game too ? 🙂

  2. I just beat Melania… no need to worry about Elden Ring being too easy. Even with summons she is brutal. I was worried that I would have to switch my spec to just beat her, but after almost 3 hours of attempts, I did finally beat her. For pure spectacle and difficulty, one of my favorite FromSoft bosses of all time.

  3. I hope the games industry (whether AAA or indie) sees the success of Elden Ring as a learning experience as to how to properly evolve the open-world genre, and games in general. The wild success of Elden Ring demonstrates SO much about gamers: gamers don't need to be told exactly where to go, and how many meters away it is all the time – gamers don't need to be coddled with endless tutorials and instructions on game mechanics – gamers aren't afraid of contextual/environmental story-telling – and maybe most importantly, given that this really is a Soulsborne game, gamers are not afraid of objectively difficult games (as long as the difficulty is complemented by otherwise very good game and world design, and isn't just "difficulty for difficulty's sake", which Soulsborne games are not)

  4. I love this game, but I feel like the balancing is way off by the time you reach mid-game. You start to run into a lot of bosses that can 1-hit kill you, their window of opportunity for punishment is very quick and infrequent, and they can be utter bullet–err, sword sponges. Then they don't drop nearly enough runes to level up. Doesn't help that this is the point where they start taking old bosses and throwing two of them at a time at you.

    Now I'm not saying these situations are insurmountable, somehow I keep pushing my way through; however, that feeling of satisfaction that I once felt when besting a strong foe has started to go away with each new encounter. Instead of that rewarding "I did it!" euphoria, what I experience is more like "ugh, at least that hurdle's out of the way now." I could make them much easier if I'd just swallow my pride and start using spirit summons. Maybe I'm not 100% in the right to complain about balancing issues when I don't even use all of the tools at my disposal…but I'd definitely like it if my dex build stood a fighting chance in some of these instances, instead of going from full health to death within 0.2 seconds, because I botched a dodge during an attack chain just one time.

    I'm sure I'll make it through, but I think the path I'm on now isn't viable down the road. It's not a good issue for a game to have, when offering such a wide variety of options is one of the selling points. I can change, but I didn't want to 'have' to change in order to continue having fun.

  5. Rolling without a quest log and "main-mission markers" in an open-world game like Elden Ring promotes independent thinking, and that's SO refreshing. The freedom of CHOICE in an open-world game is never something to be underestimated. Definitely my GOTY for 2022.

  6. I haven’t been playing Elden Ring but everyone makes it look super good, and I love the Fantasy energy in it too. It sort of reminds me of Dragon’s Dogma mixed with Dark Souls lol
    They’re immersive and beautiful sandboxes

  7. This game is what I remember Zelda to be on the NES with rose-tinted googles. questing and exploring feels so… D&D.

    I went south to explore, saved some rich guy from bandits, he asked me to go liberate his fort from a blood-thirsty general, on my way I found a glowing torch near the road, I touched it and a ghost appeared and guided me to some ruins guarded by a giant bear, I raided the ruins and got great loot, I resumed my quest to liberate the fort, which was a mini-dungeon that I sthealted my way through. the boss gave me a new sword-art skill, and reported back to the dude and went on my merry way.

    This game sparks my child curiosity.

  8. I was not looking to be as addicted as I am. I enjoy souls games but have never gone this hard in one. Besides the dips in performance here and there I’m absolutely loving my time and haven’t been this hooked since returnal.

  9. You know, when Huber mentions cozy things in games like in this case chilling in front of a campfire, it reminds me of how he would drink coffee both in game and real life when playing The Evil Within 2. I honestly wish more games did that. Give you cozy areas or things to do before going out and adventuring. It's so simple and basic in essence, but it does a lot (at least for me and Huber) in being more immersed in a world. And I love that.

  10. Rolled credits last night. 109 hrs, level 168.

    I’ve done around 80-90% of the entire game, all bosses completed. Most side quests; just sucks I have to play the game 3 times to get all 3 endings when I already completed the side quests for said endings.

    Amazing game. 10/10.

  11. I love love love this game, but I find myself truly unimpressed with how they handled the side quests. It's not the lack of a log that's bothersome, but some of the longer quest chains are just so random in where you need to go and in what order that I truly can't fathom how anyone figures them out on their own.

  12. I once played Dark Souls but when I reached Blighttown it became to hard for me. Elden Ring though looks really intriguing because it does look a bit like Breath of the Wild, which I really enjoyed. I think I will give it a shot when it`s on the cheap at some point.

  13. From really need to evolve their bosses imo. Something mechanically creative, like… you can only do damage by hitting the shadow they cast or a boss that copies you, healing when you heal, copying your buffs and cheese spells, or a boss that REMEMBERS you and the encounter changes every time you die to them, changing from melee to long range and just chats shit about you and your stats lol

  14. I am currently 150 hours into elden ring level 160 lol.. I have like 10 pages of notes next to me that look like the scribbles of an insane person. i'm STILL seeing new stuff constantly! Seemingly endless new quest, areas, bosses, weapons, and lore. It's honestly pretty incredible. I still have complete areas to explore I don't even have the map for yet somehow.

    Especially interested to hear the allies discuss and share their unique experiences with this one!


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