Elden Ring in a Nutshell

Welcome to the Lands Between… the lands between dying and dying again…

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35 thoughts on “Elden Ring in a Nutshell”

  1. By the way this isn't sponsored, of course Bandai Namco had me make that insanely fun lil animation for them, but this is all me, baby! This game is fucking FANTASTIC, I've been curled up into a little goo ball playing this shit like a dying husk on my couch, unable to move. Massive review on the way.

  2. I'm sorry to say this, because I actually like your channel. But if you're making jokes about dying to falls that seem so short that you can exaggerate them to be "about a 1 foot drop" then you've never played any of the other Souls titles. 98% of the falls in Elden Ring that you can survive would have absolutely killed you in any other Souls title. The other 2% are so short you would have survived them in any game, and the rest are insta-death falls.


    Legit, went back after having played for a while, and fought this smugly crow boss. While I was duking out with it, I had to go and pup a chug and this FRICKIN GOAT ATTACKS ME! I was like DA FAQ?!?!?!? I didn't even know that could happen! Just to get bonked immediately after by the boss…. Elden Ring ceases to surprise me. xD

  4. Fucking Elden Ring players.

    Sees a turtle scooting along: "Dog."
    Mass of tentacles with a beak chilling on the beach: "Is this Dog?"
    Massive dragon breathing glintstone fire: "Beware! Dog ahead."

  5. "You got no bitches"…is the first thing a bi-curious weirdo would say because they're in the closet and live to impress other guys like we're still in high school, like are you even happy with your life? Because that's deeper than pussy and if you depend on others to constantly make you happy then you're really just a sad clown living for a fix.

  6. Gawd I swear the falling damage is soo inconsistent in the game. I can jump down 30 stories with soft cotton and be fine then jump somewhere else like half that and I just die lol


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