"ELDEN RING has an Easy Mode, It's Called Magic."

#eldenring #darksouls #gaming
With lots of discourse going around Elden Ring, people have come to discover some insanely powerful magic builds that can one shot bosses. Elden Ring offers a huge variety of builds, but Magic seems to be easily the best available. Elden Ring is an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game was made in collaboration with fantasy novelist George R. R. Martin, who provided material for the game’s setting.
0:00 Boss One Shot
0:11 Elden Ring Elitism
2:14 Magic & Spirits are Intended
4:01 NOT Using it
4:59 The Discourse
Elden Ring OST
Metroid Prime OST
Sekiro OST


20 thoughts on “"ELDEN RING has an Easy Mode, It's Called Magic."”

  1. Tbh how people play the game doesn't matter as long as they are having fun. I prefer melee dex builds because they are fast, although if i were to prefer a magic build i would have used that as long as i still got a decent challenge, even if magic builds are stronger than other builds. It doesn't matter how you beat the game, as long as you didn't look up how to cheese every fight so you can play the game without any challenge, and you didn't use any form of cheats your achievements in the game are just as valid as anyone else's. Play the game the way you enjoy it the most, and don't listen to people trying to gatekeep these amazing games.

  2. I also tried, like I always do with souls games, to do no magic melee build with either a greatsword or an ultra for a first playthrough, but I quickly abandoned the character, because the game is obviously not intended to be played that way. Ashes and magic are there for a reason and the game was created and balanced around their existance.

  3. Magic is not op there are bosses who hard hard counter you been a mage sense ds1 everyone who isn’t a magic main always says this if anything should be considered overpowers it’s Rhadans bow yeah comet azur can one shot but only bosses who stand still otherwise it’s stupid

  4. One late game boss (that I think is optinal) will often but not always whave some form of bloodfire around him.
    The fire not only damages you but also increases your bleed meter so if you are to long in there you will suffer bloodloss and I honestly feel like that is unfair to melee only builds

  5. I definitely had that with (secret late game boss):

    The dragon in Farum Azula, he felt super good to fight with the mimic tear, it still felt like I was pretty much always being targeted, but I still had enough time to heal which I didnt really have doing him alone, anyway it felt super natural and the Boss is sick af fr

  6. Dude come on ! The essence of souls games is to play how you want to play, not how something is "intended". You need to lower the use of this word – "intended", cos its starting to lose objectivity and the objectivity of this genre of games is – play how want to play. Something is hard for you, dont put that load on us please. Change something for you, but dont tell us – you need to do that, because is intended or natural… what… come on, really.

  7. Great video amd great topic brother, I agree with some parts and disagree with others

    For me, Spirit summons felt fun and helpful in the first hours of the game, I couldn't have beaten Tree Sentinel at level 20 if it wasn't for my Wolf Ashes
    But, after exploring and leveling up, you will end up in an area overleveled, and this is where Spirits just completely numb the experience to the point of it being comical
    This I believe is a factor of the open world game, it's impossible to predict where everyone's going to go and what they're going to do, thus balancing something becomes more difficult

    Magic however, for those who have tried a pure magic build, you'll know it's annoying and complicated at first all the way almost endgame, since you have to keep track of many more attributes, weapon upgrades, NPCs, scrolls, magic locations, rings, helmets (dusk crown) etc, and all off this pays off at the end
    So no, I do not believe Magic is easy mode, because it's a different type of playstyle that also requires awareness and if we didn't have Magic, PvE and PvP would be way more boring

    Conclusion: Spirit summons early game are perfectly fine and feel rightfully balanced around the early game, the more you progress, the more easy mode they become

    And listen, at this point I don't care how you beat the game, as long as you beat it with no glitches and without complaining on Twitter, you have my respect

  8. The tear that allows magic comet azur oneshots will probably be nerfed – it should either just reduce the FP cost by 60%, not 100%, and it would still be good, or the continuous spells should cost stamina (Azur, crystals, meteorites) while casting

  9. I gave myself permission to azur nuke only one boss, and eventually decided on the one in the Lake of Rot. I'm not gonna fight that thing normally, like I'm gonna go seaching for crafting items for the scarlet rot buildup

  10. I did not summon nor used magic the entire playthrew . I played with two greatword ( dual wielding ) all the way threw the game .With that I do agree with you , the later part of the game are really challenging for a strenght / slow build . I was very relliant on jump attack in order to stager enemys .


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