Elden Ring – First Playthrough | Part 3

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#FromSoftware #EldenRing


41 thoughts on “Elden Ring – First Playthrough | Part 3”

  1. You really need to look into how guard countering works, since you seemed to have failed to figure it out during the cave of knowledge. compared to other souls games, it completely changed how trying to play with a shield works for this game. I just feel like your miss out so much on how the new blocking mechanics work in this game so far.

  2. I haven't been watching this playthrough so that I can do my own playthrough blind once work quietens down, but I just wanted to say thanks for not putting spoilers in the thumbnail unlike most other youtubers.

  3. The skeletons need to be finished when they start glowing right after you killed them the first time. I wonder if you ever even figured out that the undead in Sekiro also can die. You just needed to kill them twice :p

  4. Please do some of the main quest. You should mix it in. I love ER and loved your souls playthrough. But I can only watch you pick up so many fruits and bugs and read about all of them. Also you're going to be OP on the main quest which will take away from it I think.

  5. It's funny that you say that Bloodborne and Sekiro taught you to stop relying on shields, because Elden Ring really wants you to stop with the R1 spam and start using shields again. There are three attacks that generate far more stance breaking than the rest: guard counters, charged R2s and jumping R2s, and the guard counter is both the safest and easiest to perform with a big-ass shield. In comparison, the rolling R1 habit you've inherited has virtually no stance breaking power at all.

  6. I'm currently in the castle. And so far I've been loving the game, it's incredible the amount of detail put into the world and how open it is. Even traditional levels like the castle feel like an actual castle, open and huge with lots of intricate pathways and secrets. The enemies are some of the most aggressive in a souls game so far imo, akin to bloodborne, if not more.

  7. Just as a note you forgot to go back and grab the chest in Earthbore Cave after you fell from the trap, you can go around the hole and grab the chest. Not super important or anything but just as a note.

  8. My most favorite thing about the game is that there is no journal with 10000 side quests that just gets filled up. You di what YOU deside, you have to use brains to keep track of things and its also feels good to just forget everything and explore.

  9. I'm currently around 18 hours in and for obvious reasons I am not going to mention much for those not that far in. But I will say this: the enemy design in this game is top notch probably my favorite designs in all of soulsborne.

  10. In dark souls 3 (and 2 I think) there's a rat covenant where the gimmick is you defend an area and make use of the traps. Both trapped chests you've come across so far have had rats nearby. I wonder if that's a coincidence or not.

  11. Speaking of Berserk that's basically what I do with From games. I role play characters lol. My first playthrough in Elden Ring I've made an Arya Stark character… spent 2 hours in the character creator menu lol but yeah I do all sorts of cosplays in these games.


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