Elden Ring – First Play Through – Pt 9 – The Table

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/saintriot


19 thoughts on “Elden Ring – First Play Through – Pt 9 – The Table”

  1. Made my day seeing this alert come up, enjoying the hell out of your playthrough! For you to finally make it back to the starting area after facing such a tortured early playthrough, it was a nice cliffhanger and I was eagery awaiting this next episode! You my friend are a glutton for punishment 😂

  2. I have never watched Vampire Hunter D, but I've heard the name before so the moment I met D for the first time I was really curious if he was a reference too lol. Love his armor and weapon, it's sick as hell looking. No idea what the actual stats are though. But fashion counts for something!

  3. This is literally the best LP of this going on right now. Ever fucking cuck is out there, doing the same shit, having the same reactions, fumbling around like baboons with adhd, unable to even stay in one area long enough to understand it before they run off to the next one because "oh ill level up then come back".

    Meanwhile, Saint "Never Forgot Drey" Riot has been out in this swamp, from day 1, with no plans to leave it until he's plundered it for all the treasure the lesser streamers are too 'tismic to even bother finding.

    God, this is like if you found Ash Lake in DS1, WITHOUT the lord vessel and sat at the bonfire. Now, you've got to get past the clams, get past the hydra, get back up the tree, then go back up through blighttown JUST to say "Hi" to Solaire.

    Absolute. Perfection.


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