Elden Ring – Easy Allies Review

Elden Ring is an unforgettable journey that masterfully weaves in its excellent combat with an expertly crafted world, resulting in one of the best open-world games around.

Written by Bradley Ellis
Video Edited by Isla Hinck
Reviewed on PC
Available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S

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35 thoughts on “Elden Ring – Easy Allies Review”

  1. I think this will be my first FromSoftware game I have always being scared by the high difficulty and lack of story but because of the open world and lore I will give this one a chance.

  2. I remember all the hype for Sekiro, and at the time I was really worried – Surely Fromsoft had been the golden goose for too long. They couldn't keep up this level of quality… Then Sekiro was great. All the hype behind Elden Ring had me thinking the same thing "Okay but THIS time, Fromsoft can't possibly live up to the hype. This project is just too ambitious and they can't just keep topping themselves" … Lo and behold, they freaking did it again. They just keep doing it!

  3. I love ya Brad and I love EA but man… this review is very spoilery visually speaking.

    Out of the ones I've seen I gotta say this is by far the worst review visually. And shit some are like 30 min long.

  4. Despite platinum-ing the likes of Returnal and (nearly anyway) Sifu, I’ve NEVER been able to get into Souls games. Tried it with the original Dark Souls, couldn’t get it.. had high hopes for Bloodborne.. still couldn’t get it. Will be jumping back in for this and crossing my fingers that that this is the one that ‘clicks’!!

  5. Will definitely get this on a sale. Enjoying Forbidden West right now. Was considering getting this, but the gameplay style of Dark Souls just never did it for me. It's not the difficulty, I like hard games. I just didn't find the combat fun. This looks like it fixes some of the issues I had with past souls-like games, but still unsure. Will definitely give it a try in the future.


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