Elden Ring DON'T start with wretch

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The wait for Elden Ring continues, but do not go hollow, I will keep uploading DS3 pvp videos every day until Dark Souls 3 is no more. We will always be there to gank spank as long as there is any gankers left to destroy. DS3 2021!

I would like to thank all the Dark Souls 3 content creators for shaping up Dark Souls 3 to the game that it is today. Prod the funny, Chasethebro the great invader, FighterPl the parry king, Saintriot the meta hater, DangitJM the underrated, SunlightBlade the top 10, Peeve Peeverson the almighty, Oroboro the darkmoon blade sellswords, YukasLegion I ban him, VaatiVidya lore fix, LimitBreaker fun facts and my favorites BathedInBrena tournament host and iamamish the role model.


40 thoughts on “Elden Ring DON'T start with wretch”

  1. Ehhh I know im going to end up with like 20/20 str dex just to try new weapons and I want to do a faith build so I think I will get a lot out of the wretch class.

  2. You start at level 1 with ten in all stats. Starting at level one allows you to level up very quickly into whatever you want to be. No other class starts at level one and since plenty of players want to play the game for a bit before finding out what they want to play as, wretch is the perfect starting class for those players.

    There is no right, and there is no wrong answer. Until the game has been out for a while and I know what playstyle I want to play, the wretch is the perfect class to find my footing in a first playthrough.

  3. Fashion > meta.
    As we all know, the end goal of all souls game is fashion, that's why the term "fashionsouls" exists.
    And since the Wretch have the best fashion out of any other starting classes in the game, I am certainly will be going with Wretch.

  4. I'm starting as a wretch for maximum enjoyment on my first playthrough, but also I plan to have one max level character. So it makes sense that I'd keep the profile. Also stick for maximum unga bunga.

  5. I understand your point but i disargree. I just dont care if my charakter is perfectly build and It is true that there is proable a merchant in the start area but its a suprise what he has.
    If I want to play a Samurai I play Samurai if I want to play Strange I take Vagabund if I want to play Mage Arstroboy. But if I want to try around let me supriese me and take any cool weapon I want I take wretch

  6. wow, wish i could see the dislikes so i could tell what the community thinks about this opinion.
    Without the dislike button videos like this are pretty much meaningless, why would I care what 1 person thinks about something?

  7. Wretch FTW! Talking about pvp meta builds for a game that's not even released yet, what a joke. We won't know the meta until we know all the items in game. Wretch will make a very fun first playthrough.

  8. I love these clowns who argue it’s not optimal because of 2 soul levels difference in the end. Smh. I’d rather give up 2 soul levels to allow freedom to build and adapt as I please while I explore a brand new game world. Smh cringe.

  9. I was going to go Wretch to keep from gating myself from any magic to playtest, but I don't even want to go poos-poos cheez mode sorceries (INT) anyway. My self-rebuttal was that INT raises defense against sorceries, but defense in Souls is totally negligible & most likely won't reduce hits-to-kill @ any near substantial-enough rate to warrant starting Wretch. Beast Claw loox righteous & Pyros typically have useful buffs & are generally awesome, so, I'll most likely start Hero for min INT just like in Souls III with Warrior. I did build into Luck with Hollow infusion, & it out-damaged quality with Astora GS + the item find bonus rox bad, so, I'll be keeping an eye on Arcane, as well.

  10. I'm gonna go Vagabond for the Halberd.

    That's about it really.

    I'm still wondering for the keepsakes between the key and seed.

    If it's revealed that there is some interesting loot early game I might go key

  11. I will be starting wretch, not because ratatoskr said too or because you said not too, but because that's how I enjoy starting every souls game (besides bloodborne obviously). I love seeing my character grow from a pitiful poor soul with nothing but a stick into a powerful warrior capable of toppling gods. Of course I'll be making a pvp character later but that will be when I know how I wanna play, but also I'm going to enjoy my first playthrough my way.


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