Elden Ring DID FIX BACKSTABS they're just not the same as DS3

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It’s time to say goodbye to Dark Souls 3 and embrace Elden Ring I would like to thank all the Souls content creator for this experience. Prod the funny, Chasethebro the great invader, FighterPl the parry king, Saintriot the meta hater, DangitJM the underrated, SunlightBlade the top 10, Peeve Peeverson the almighty, Oroboro the darkmoon blade sellswords, YukasLegion I ban him, VaatiVidya lore fix, LimitBreaker fun facts and my favorites BathedInBrena tournament host and iamamish the role model.


29 thoughts on “Elden Ring DID FIX BACKSTABS they're just not the same as DS3”

  1. Hey guys, about meta level, remind in this game Endurance increase your max equip load, and in ds3 you had this separated making you waste on vitality, looks like people forget about this and their are adding those 24 points average, to their build, I think the meta should be lower than 125 and is also a way to avoid the games 1 shot issues, solution is going lower level and not higher, I don't know if I explain well, but just compared ds3 builds having 24 points only in vitality and here you are adding all that into endurance and other stats. In my opinion level 100 is a good meta

  2. They’re “fixed” but you can still turn around and parry a backstab attempt without moving, and nullify what would be a clean backstab by turning around if you’re on slight latency. Due to the lessened recovery of most animations I think the game would be better off if the third backstab check was removed entirely.

  3. Dont care what mental gymnastics people do regarding the new backstabs are useless for invaders

    Get interrupted once you deal no dmg
    You lag? No dmg
    You whiff the bs animation? Guess what free 3 man wombo combo

    In conclusion this shit is best left to really Bot brained players or 1v1s try this shit w gankers and youre a masochist

  4. the backstabs in the video just looked like ds3 backstabs, why cant it work like that everytime? they were stuck in animation and also out of stamina, so they couldnt roll out, press r1 or even sprint to move the character, which would have triggered the third backstab check and probably failed the backstab had that been the case. the estus backstab was different, but maybe he was just stuck on the rock in that case.

    i think that adding the third backstab angle check whilst adding lower recovery frames of most attacks, and also increased tracking of alot of attacks (especially r2s) has made backstabs feel bad; and also confusing, its like raising speed limits on roads but then making cars just barely able to achieve said speeds.

    Elden ring may have tried to fix backstabs but I am pretty sure that ds3 did a pretty good job at fixing backstabs, why fix something that is not broken? there was much more broken things in dark souls 3, i find it funny placing the backstab in the same category as broken things such as quickstep, xbow, curved sword etc

    to sum it up pve noobs have always been easy to backstab

  5. Still prefer backstabs in DS3 easily I hate when someone walks away back turned to estus. I walk up and it plays this slow animation they twitch move and I miss destroying the punish. It’s even worse when you’re fighting a group and that happens with the blender that can follow.

    Just doesn’t have that same snap.

  6. how tf does a halberd trade with a fucking colossal weapon????? you literally won that trade at around 0:46, dudes wielding a massive hammer and it scratched you. hoarfrost stomp is pretty busted too lmao

  7. JeeNine I’ve been using assassins gambit ash of war on miscercirde with dagger talisman… It’s funny to one shot unsuspecting phantoms before the gank knows I’m there.

    It’s not true invisibility since I sometimes get caught but I know it’s easy to get backstabs if they’re standing still

  8. Theyre different than DS3 but I did notice that angled backstabs almost always land. I think the biggest downgrade to backstabs is not being able to redirect a failed backstaab attempt. I miss being able to turn around and grab a BS when someone is chasing right behind me though.

  9. thank you. really didn’t want to hear about this like “dS3 pOiSe iS tUrnEd OfF! wOrKinG aS iNtEnDeD???” for the next eternity. still find it very weird that people expected this to work exactly like a 6 year old game

  10. A little tip from a fellow Naginata Invader, if you power stance them and use the Iron will ash of war on the right weapon it will raise both weapons AR to about 800-1k and you can onehit some players with a running attack

  11. I dont understand where people are acting as if ds3 bs fishing or bs hitbox was bad, maybe you all didnt turn on just play local players for avoiding sea cross connections pvp

    Did you all ignore dark souls 1 was the worst?

  12. As far as i understand in ER to backstab your back has to be facing the attacker.
    That BS on the ultra guy was nasty, the fact that he did a light attack and got BS unless he was out of Stam then kinda bullshit.
    Imo the weapon your BS with should half to come forward first to initiate the BS.
    Right now you BS once the weapon starts getting pulled back from what I've seen.
    From what I've seen you basically can't use alot of the attacks on ultra weapons without being at a disadvantage.

    Edit: I half to say i cant tell if that was a light or a heavy on the ultra guy, for the distance you was i think its still kinda bullshit if he wasn't out of Stam but its not as bad.


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