Elden Ring – Confronting Ranni About The Black Knives



32 thoughts on “Elden Ring – Confronting Ranni About The Black Knives”

  1. She's telling a lot of truths, but omitting important details. I think she did steal the Rune of Death, but she didn't steal it from Maliketh, she stole it from the Black Knives themselves. The numerous imprisoned assassins around Liurnia tell me that she had intercepted them as they were either on their way to or from killing Godwyn, killed Tische, and used her knife to kill her body before the cursemark on Godwyn had been completed, allowing her to exist as a spectre unbound by the Two Fingers or the Greater Will.

  2. So much of her questline can be shaken up, by the time I was asking her this we were already working together and she happily told me where to go.

  3. People can't accept that Ranni had Godwyn killed. She did. She masterminded everything to bring down the golden order and remove outside influence from the Lands Between.

  4. I have the theory that Ranni did have a major hand in the black knives, but Alecto brought them together to turn on her hence why she likely imprisoned them. He is called a ringleader, a ringleader is typically used to refer to somebody who leads a rebellion, revolution, etc against authority. With the authority in this case being Ranni.
    She needed to set things in motion to put an end to the era in order to achieve her goal. After though the Black Knives came after her (likely controlled by Marika) resulting in a conflict that results in a black knife being severely wounded, many dead, and the ring leader in prison. Without Ranni's protection when she leaves on her journey, the remaining sought revenge and went after her subordinates resulting in Blaidd going mad and Eji being killed. (the puppet freak tries to poison Ranni and she kills him if you do his quest line choosing his side, likely still does this if you don't you just don't see it happen.)

    Mind you, this is just my on the fly pre-morning tea lore speculation/thoery crafting.

  5. My guess? Rennala was the one to kill Godwyn as revenge for the whole Radagon situation. After her boss fight Rennala says: "Oh little Ranni, my dear daughter; weave thy night into being." She's basically acknowledging she knows of Ranni's plan to replace Marika with a new outer god.

    What's extremely fucked about everything is that I don't even think the whole Radagon thing was Marika's doing, but the Greater Will's. As far as I'm aware, there's no lore that directly states that Marika caused the split herself, only that one occurred at some point. Godfrey gets chased out of the Lands Between and most say it's because Marika doesn't need him anymore with Radagon around, but what if she's trying to protect him from whatever grand machinations the Greater Will is trying to pull. They'd already had the cursed twins by this point, as well, and we can see from Godfrey's return that he never disowned his son or anything of the like.

    So, in an act of desperation to save her remaining children from all of the outer influences and other BS, she shatters the Elden Ring in order to break their absolute hold on the Lands Between. It's also something Gideon figures out on some level as during his boss encounter he tells you that Marika hopes for all Tarnished to "struggle for an eternity". This sounds bad on paper, but in greater context it's basically the only option she had left open to her.

    In other words, any ending that restores things back to how they were is probably not that great in the long run.

  6. There's a weird logical fallacy I'm seeing in the comments.
    So the blades were made for her to off herself, but Godwin got hit too? Why did she make multiple blades only for herself? Was a team of soldiers going to all stab her at the same time, maybe set them all on strings to synchronize? Wouldn't an intelligent wizard know you'd only need one weapon? Think about it. If you were going to off yourself and decided to make the weapon, would you make one or 12? What the hell are you gonna do with the other 11, you're about to be dead…

  7. So who wanted Godwyn the Golden dead then? The black knives did it sure but who gave the order ? How did they know that Ranni stole the death rune and made the knives?

  8. I think she's lying, it's a pretty common tactic to pretend to volunteer truth in one thing that you know the person is already aware of, then using that gained credibility as a smokescreen for future misinformation. I think she 100% intended to shatter the cursed mark into two parts, thus trapping her soul and killing her body freeing herself from the two fingers will.

  9. There's a lot of moving parts that people are forgetting. Which should be expected given it's a FromSoftware game. There's a lot to unpack lore wise and none of this stuff is isolated enough to make definitive theories and statements without bringing up a LOT of other stuff. I'm certainly being swayed that Ranni never meant to kill Godwyn and the Black Knives simply went rogue. Why? Not entirely sure. What faction are they really from? Can't say for certain. But there's a lot to go over and it's hard to say how much we actually know based on item descriptions and what we've yet to actually piece together from it all

  10. Man I really enjoy your videos on Elden Ring. Many small details that's not covered by the click baiting youtubers. Been binge watching all these videos before I start NG+.


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