Elden Ring: ‘Best Game Ever’, MIXED On Steam?

Let’s dive into how Elden Ring’s launch has went, how to play it best, and why the launch was mixed on steam.

00:00 Intro
00:25 The Story – One Of The Greats?
08:58 The Caveat – Bamco Hamstrung Reviewers?
10:08 The Performance – FromSoft Continue Struggling…
15:40 The Numbers – Causing A Storm On Steam
17:28 The Response – How Long Before Fixes Arrive?
19:03 The Modder – Durante Was From’s Saviour
25:45 The History – The Burdens Of Hidetaka Miyazaki

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22 thoughts on “Elden Ring: ‘Best Game Ever’, MIXED On Steam?”

  1. I think one of the reasons why dark souls was immersive is solely because it doesn't have a quest log and it's not like oh here's another thing I have to do it's here's the game go explore there are quests but we're not telling you if you're on it or if you're doing it or if you've completed it you got to figure that out either on your own or with other players that's the game it's an adventure you get to go on is it for me not so much because dark souls is very difficult if it was just a tad bit lighter on the difficulty I wouldn't mind or if they had an option to just lower the difficulty like baby mode or something and I know it's like that's not the experience that you know they want or this or that but it's like you know what if it's just too much it's just too much but I would enjoy it more if it was a little bit lighter on the difficulty not by much but I don't maybe just cut it down by 20% and that would probably just make me happy it would still be pretty difficult but it would just make me happier I'd still be dying a lot but not quite as much like I could be a professional it's just I enjoy playing casual

  2. I love the game, but the performance ruins the experience for me. I reviewed it negatively because the issues need to be fixed. I generally don't play games where I'm unhappy with the performance (never got far in Bloodborne), so it's particularly frustrating when it's a game I really want to play. The game stutters so often during combat that I can't enjoy something I know I would otherwise enjoy far more. That just isn't acceptable to me. I've had to put the game to the side while I wait for fixes to be released. I'd rather play it in a state where I'm not facing these issues all the time.

  3. The thing about steam reviews is, people actively go out of their way to bash a game, when it doesnt run well.
    And that means the user-experience is looking more negative than it probably is
    i havnt bothered writing a positive review – because i'm enjoying the game. ITS FUCKING AWESOME.
    though the world can seem a bit too big in some ways. damn.. it's just gigantic. there keeps being more and more terrain, and buildings and so on, whenever you get past a hill or whatever. It's incredible. (that's a positive thing)

  4. also when you time out in lost ark, it doesn't kill the program, you're not really connected but the software still runs until you quit out of it (steam) so i'd imagine i've acrued a lot more steam hours than i've actually been at the keyboard 😀

  5. "Any game designer who sacrifices fun to make an artistic statement is obviously stuck so far up his own ass that hes in danger of choking on his own head"

    Its fine if you guys don't mind not having a quest log, but people like me who have jobs that wont let them play video games all day kind of need a refresher when we come back to an open world game because they're fucking massive and we sometimes have to take a decent amount of time off. Its not entitlement to say that I wont pick up this game because of the lack of the quest log. I have better things to do with my time and there are other games that actively respect the time I have to play them. Show me how this mentality is entitlement.

  6. I haven't played it myself nor do I really plan on it. I've never played any of their games before and nothing about the overwhelming praise Elden Ring is getting makes me want to play it either. It seems that all I'm seeing across social media is people going "OMG BEST GAME EVER 10/10", usually from pre-existing fans, without giving any actual reasons why it's so good beyond the difficulty/challenge those game provide.

  7. Never preorder, never buy day 1, and never purchase microtransactions.

    I can wait a few months to pick up the game once they fix the bugs, not like I don't have a ton of other games to play.

  8. I can't get gud at dark souls – it's my issue – and I'm not gonna shit all over elden ring for my experience — BUT — the amount of hypocrisy coming from you is mind melting….

    EA RELEASED A BATTLEFIELD AND IT DOES NOT HAVE A SCOREBOARD – oh my how can we have x product in 2022 and the developers are surprised gamers are not happy t doesn't have features from every other game in the series.

    ELDEN RING DEVELOPERS CHOSE NOT TO PUT IN A QUEST LOG – GAMES ARE ART – you may not like what they have done, well you can fuck off.

    EAs DECISION, to not put in a scoreboard (for questionable inclusion and MTX related purposes) was that – a DECISION for the direction they wanted their art to take.

  9. I'm getting mad. Darksouls games do this one thing RIGHT. it's not trying to beat you down – it wants you to succeed, to BE BETTER. the way they do that is by being unforgiving and uncaring of your PERSONAL "gameplay" level at the time. see that mountain over there? yeah IT IS hard to climb, we're not going to coddle you, if you want to climb that mountain, find the resources, train your body, and for the lack of a better term – get Good.
    What that does is that it ACTUALLY teaches you, let's you find the strength to overcome. you can't have that if the world, the objectives, the bosses scale in any sort of way. everyone who beat – Margit for example, did so on the EXACT same terms. THAT is a VERY cathartic feeling, to know you applied yourself and won against a brutal challenge – no training wheels or any derogatory things to lessen the impact of YOUR achievement. an Easy mode would significantly harm that.
    one criticism I have is that Elden Ring does not account for the "souls"-mentality of throwing yourself at a problem until IT or you break. FromSoft made an open world and wants you to explore and find other progression than beat the boss – IF you are not up to the task. but they do a poor job of explaining that. for example I had not found a single weapon upgrade resource even 12 hours in.

  10. I decided to buy this game even knowing about the performance issues, but that’s just a calculated gamble on my part as I suspect the technical issues will be solved relatively soon. I have yet to start it though.

  11. What’s crazy is I’m a first time dark souls player and I started bandit with daggers and I killed Margrit the first night I played it at level 16. Idk how people are complaining the games too hard like wth lol

  12. I am surprised to hear about performance issues, because after 30 hours i have had none. I do have a 12900k and 32gb of ddr4, but my gpu is a 1060 3gb which is at/just below the minimum requirements.

  13. I don't know what everyone is talking about it not running smoothly?………….I've got all settings on max and in 4k resolution and it runs buttery smooth on my system. I'm enjoying it and I don't even play Dark Souls (or any variations) games.

  14. I dont know if people understand that, but bandai has been mostly out of the bullshit microtransactions scheme. Most of their games do have DLCs, but it basically stop at this and it never went worse than that. Most youtubers just totally ignore that even when SE and the other all use micro in most of their releases. (with the exception of the exclusive games finance by platform holders.)


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