El Alamein to Stalingrad (July – September 1942) Countdown to Victory | World War II

Hitler’s “Desert Fox”, Rommel pushed forward at El Alamein, but with the arrival of the maverick British General, Bernard Montgomery, to take charge of the Eighth Army in North Africa, the wind of change was about to blow. Meanwhile on the Russian Front Hitler’s troops advanced their Stalingrad campaign, with the Führer boasting that this key city would soon be his.


21 thoughts on “El Alamein to Stalingrad (July – September 1942) Countdown to Victory | World War II”

  1. It just blows my mind to think that you have so few views. Every American should be literally made to watch this History of WW2. I tal hanksk to younger people who could not even tell who Axis Powers and the Allies were or name Roosevelt or Churchill and even what they did, My whole family inluding my Aunt fought in that wire and then I did my bit in Vietnam. Thanks for posting.

  2. My soul can't bear to look at this! How painful it is to see what they are doing to my Homeland, these creatures, villains! How I hate them! It is impossible to see these helmets, these overcoats, their arrogance and self-confidence! It hurts, it hurts to tears. And I can see from the comments that many modern people do not understand this tragedy, but just watch this video as an entertainment show. They write "I liked the video". What can you like here? How do motorcycles and tanks crush bread in the fields? How are soldiers firing guns at the city? How do houses collapse and burn?
    Wake up, this is not Hollywood, not fantasy, but real grief, suffering and death of millions of innocent people. It is impossible to look at it without pain.

    Моя душа не может спокойно смотреть на это! Как больно видеть, что они делают с моей Родиной, эти твари, злодеи! Как я их ненавижу! Невозможно видеть эти каски, эти шинели, их высокомерие и уверенность в себе! Это больно, это больно до слез. И я вижу по комментариям, что многие современные люди не понимают этой трагедии, а просто смотрят ее как развлекательное шоу. Они пишут: "Мне понравилось видео". Что вам здесь может понравиться? Как мотоциклы и танки давят хлеб на полях? Как солдатня стреляет из пушек по городу? Как рушатся и горят дома?
    Очнитесь, это не Голливуд, не фэнтези, а реальное горе, страдания и смерть миллионов невинных людей. На это невозможно смотреть без боли.

  3. Stalin and his Soviets were responsible for 80% of the Axis Power's casualties. The Soviets lost 26M people during that war. The USA lost only 0.4M people during that same war. We've lost more due to the Sackler Family.


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