Egypt's New Capital is an Ozymandian Nightmare

Looking on their works I can’t help but despair.

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28 thoughts on “Egypt's New Capital is an Ozymandian Nightmare”

  1. It was weird to see that photo of the monorail pop up and think "Wait, that's one of ours." Sure puts that company-wide announcement about WOOHOO LOOK AT THIS HUGE CONTRACT WE WON into perspective.

  2. Building this far from the original Cairo will not only contribute to immense amount of debt, and it will not bring in revenue. Besides local govt workers, no tourists will visit, we know what buildings and sky scrappers look like. 2nd, building mass cities will not bring capital, we have seen that in millions of ghost cities in China, if the country’s economic policy and government stability and attractiveness are not there, no one will go invest because you built buildings lol.

  3. Gotta hand it to the Egyptians lol. That's pretty convenient for future rebellions/invaders/insurrections. They can parazyle the whole government in one go!

  4. I kind of relate to too many people in an old soviet car and minibus etiquette. It has gotten 100% better since my childhood but I still remember it. Being able to sit down at all was very lucky. Imagine standing in a really fast-moving car. No rails, no nothing. People would transport all sorts of things as well. For instance, my family member transported a full body-length mirror on a minibus. The driver was driving like a crazy person and when he stopped a lady went backward and accidentally smashed the mirror. Do not get me started on the minibusses traveling from town to town. They loved drag racing with 20+ passengers in the car, no seatbelts. A lot of accidents happened. As I said this is not a case anymore, but it is wild that we saw it as part of life. I am from Georgia by the way.

  5. As an Egyptian citizen, unfortunately everything that was said in the video is true, there is a terrible difference between classes and the people are either rich or poor..the middle class is completely absent 😅..thnx abt this useful vedio👍

  6. Listen this entire city is going to vanish after the first sand storms.
    Las Vegas a massive city in a desert spends 24 hours a day….
    REMOVING SAND. They remove nearly 5 tons of sand per day.
    Given that this desert is 100 times larger.
    There will be much more sand blowing into the city.
    Just give it time and it will vanish under the sand.


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