Education through exploration: Dreamscape Learn

At Arizona State University, we believe everyone can master science. And starting with biology, we’ve proven it.

Dreamscape Learn merges the most advanced teaching and learning mechanisms with the cinematic and emotional power of the best Hollywood storytelling – we call it education through exploration. Born of the shared vision of ASU President Michael M. Crow and producer, director and former studio executive Walter Parkes, Dreamscape Learn is redefining how we teach and how we learn in the 21st century.

The result is a transformational learning experience that improves problem-solving and brings scientific concepts to life by introducing emotional storytelling that engages. Students master the topic not by memorization but exploration, gaining knowledge that serves them as they navigate their future.

This revolutionary new way of learning isn’t just for biology, at ASU we are working to bring this new way of learning to subjects in STEM and beyond to improve learning outcomes and increase access for all.


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