Edge Radio Australia – Kellie-Jay Keen talks with Aaron Malloy about the state of women’s rights

This is the original #AdultHumanFemale channel and home of Kellie-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker.

Filmed on 13/03/2023
Waych the orignal here https://youtu.be/zjmjAeOha_w

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34 thoughts on “Edge Radio Australia – Kellie-Jay Keen talks with Aaron Malloy about the state of women’s rights”

  1. It’s not complicated. Society has raised a bunch of narcissists who have never been told no. As such they’re a bunch of attention seekers and this is why we are seeing social contagion after social contagion … tattoos, piercings,eating disorders, self-harming, trans, body modifications …

  2. So infuriating that the first step for these men, oft on right, ahem James Lindsay, is its the feminisation of society so the fault of women 🙄 are they blind? Or do they just get blinded, cause we can see it clearly, all our senses fire to gtf out of there. Unhinged man. Nothing about it is feminine, it's violence and male aggression. The only point where it connects to women is they hate and resent women so the ground we have made since WW2 they want to destroy and take back, it's pure anger to women having anything based on total domination and it's 100% male x

  3. Lia/Will Thomas is 'intact' …… the female swimmers were complaining ( not allowed to complain) about having him in the locker room. The vast majority of transidentified males are intact.

  4. I do think men and women need to stick together to conquer this issue. It does effect males too. It's hurting women the most though because we have males trying to get into our spaces and erase our language.

  5. This man has an agenda, he has an issue with the family court's.
    I've been through the Family Courts in the U.K. extensively and that old " the women always get the children" is absolutely nonsense particularly if the father has lots of money to drag the mother and the children through the courts.

  6. I'm 'on side' but I was a little disappointed with her "moaning (men)" comment. Some men are as good as, or, even better parents than the mother. Some men; some mothers. Some.

  7. 'Though she be but little, she is fierce'. Did this chap seriously think Kellie-Jay would meekly capitulate to his supposedly male superior wisdom. He clearly hasn't met her before ! Let Women Speak for goodness sake. Don't think he received the memo.

  8. I'm sorry, the first five years of a child's life? Men clearly cannot be the primary carer, it's not even physically possible for the first ten months of a child's life and men certainly can't breastfeed 🤦 this is an instance of men wanting to actually feminize themselves. Be a good man. Stand by your child's mother.

  9. The govts of our country are distasteful and dishonest on any social issue DV aboriginal rights transgender oz history
    They are dishonest communicators,
    The usual aim is for more confusion hate in our country and not transparent understanding of what's going on and how to solve problems or reduce problems bringing more free speech understanding and knowledge to public
    MSM media and politicians are in a bubble and rest of country is kept in dark mocked confused and misled
    #morefreespeech #morefacts

  10. Root cause = Blackrock US and Chinese Communist Party (1.7 billion UK assets owned & assets owned worldwide, TikTok etc.)

    Aggrevating factors = State Peadophiles, AGP's & Big pharma profiting from targeting neurodiverse groups who do not conform, women & children. BPA and products of industry disrupting human endocrine systems.

    But it all comes back to state division of the family unit to cause greater reliance on the state.

    They aim to replace democratically elected leaders with business stakeholders who have a vested interest in ESG's that raise their stocks. Financial incentives for transgressionism, technological advancement and transhumaism are numerous.


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