Edge Of My Thoughts – 7TH MOVEMENT (FULL ALBUM)

Edge of my thoughts is the reimagining of Everywhere in My Mind, featuring new concepts, memories, and more. My goal with this final version is to execute many new ideas and concepts that I’ve been coming up with during my time in this community, and I hope to do things that Everywhere in My Mind couldn’t.

EOMT Discord: https://discord.gg/ubadnnN3Kn
Main Discord: https://discord.gg/sfG7AVdSkQ
Bandcamp: https://molten546.bandcamp.com/album/edge-of-my-thoughts

CURRENT STAGE: Clinical Stage 7 (EATEOT Stage 6)

Movement 7
We often align loss with grieving, and start wondering why the universe is so cruel. We beg for change, even knowing that it can’t be undone. Everyone deals with it differently. We fear death, and even knowing that we can end at any moment, we usually take life for granted. It’s human nature to focus on other things, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t live our lives. After years, the realization that “you will only get older” is one of the most important moments one can experience. Taking things for granted is natural. But try to appreciate what you have. We continue to live. We waste so much time thinking about death, and when it comes, it’s almost as if this moment that’s been building up your whole life, that made you who you were, is a lot less scary than we thought. We start to see the value in existence, in life.

We live, and we live.

In the end, we can’t describe what we see and feel, but we’re always happy when it arrives, one way or another.

The universe will remember you. Even if you don’t think so.

It’s your choice to decide what you should do with it.

00:00:00 – 095 – Standing in silence
00:31:57 – 096 – Watching dust and moonlight
01:05:12 – 097 – A portrait of being
01:28:35 – 098 – Giving itself to subsidence
01:47:35 – 099 – In the embrace of night
02:13:41 – 100 – We became reunited.


“bounded walls” by PhiSigma (with edits by Molten) (2022)
“aphelion ending rotation” by Aubreynl (2024)
“pure equilibrium” by Aubreynl (2024)
“styrofoam deep sea landfill” by Antbonio (2024)
“blank form no.400” by Zrofone (2024)
“only in good fortune can dreams change the world and when memories become dreams we can only hope to remember” by PhiSigma (with edits by REVERIE & Molten) (2023)
“geo” by The Holist (2024)

095: (Solo work)
096: Molten, OntoTheOceanside, Fading, & REVERIE
097: Retrograde & Molten
098: (Solo work)
099: Molten & Zrofone
100: (Solo work)


17 thoughts on “Edge Of My Thoughts – 7TH MOVEMENT (FULL ALBUM)”

  1. how i interpret the tracks:
    M1, M2, and M3: 1 track = 1 month (12 tracks per year)
    M4: 2 tracks = 1 month (24 tracks per year)
    M5 and M6: 1 track = 2 months (6 tracks per year)
    M7: 1 track = 4 months (3 tracks per year)
    this works out to ~10 years

  2. I cannot begin to describe how emotionally driven and care this project has. Let alone how much it has done for someone like me. From its inception it has always felt like a deep projection of Molten and who they are as a person, down to each track and every section. Especially these last few Movements.

    I have never heard projects that have given such attention to detail in so many moments, never a more unique soundscape and emotional as hell PA. And don't even get me started on awareness, where samples picked so greatly it's unreal, moreso than NMiaFU, another great project. Unlike NMiaFU though, EoMT runs with those ideas and turns them into something greater.

    This is a celebration of life, a celebration of creativity, a new life, and most importantly a journey of personality. No other fan project has left me in shambles like this one, not even NatMoS:R. I don't think I'll ever see something as grand and as artistic as this project for a long while. Even though projects like IoBNS exist it'll be hard for that one to top this.

    I'll miss working on this, but the memories working on this I will cherish forever.

    Dare I say that this is a perfect fan project. It sure as hell deserves that title.


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