Ed Balls Questions Wes Streeting on Labour Suspending Azhar Ali for Antisemitic Comments

The NHS has spent more than a billion pounds over the last five years outsourcing scans such as X-rays, MRI and CT scans. We speak to Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting about Labours plans to abolish non-don tax systems to front the cost of supporting the NHS and providing AI scanners.

Ed Balls also questions Wes Streeting on Labour’s decision to suspend Rochdale candidate Azhar Ali after he made antisemitic comments.

Broadcast on 19/02/24

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42 thoughts on “Ed Balls Questions Wes Streeting on Labour Suspending Azhar Ali for Antisemitic Comments”

  1. isnt it possible to send more money to Israel & ukraine and reduce the number of scanners? no point having scanners if the moslems take over the county. then they will be able to scan all the jihadists.

  2. How come, GB news gets investigated for having a lack of impartiality when questions were given to Rishi Sunak from the public, but a Labour minister can be interviewed by a former Labour minister? Where is the impartiality here?

  3. : “Echoes of Greenham: A Call for Peace Camps”

    Introduction: In the quietude of history, whispers linger—tales of courage, defiance, and the power of collective will. In the early 1980s, a group of remarkable women ignited a flame that still flickers today. Their canvas was Greenham Common, an RAF base in Berkshire, England. Their brushstrokes? Peace, justice, and the audacity to dance on the precipice of change.

    The Greenham Legacy:
    * 36 women, their hearts ablaze, chained themselves to the base fence. Their protest against nuclear weapons echoed across the rolling English countryside.
    * 30,000 women joined hands, encircling the base—an Embrace of Peace. Their voices resonated beyond the barbed wire, challenging NATO’s decision to house nuclear missiles on British soil.
    * A small group climbed the fence, danced atop missile silos—defying fear, embracing hope.
    * On April 1, 1983, 70,000 protesters formed a human chain—a 14-mile testament from Greenham to Aldermaston and the ordnance factory at Burghfield.

    History Repeats:
    * Today, the echoes of Greenham reverberate anew. Peace camps, like wildflowers, sprout where hearts refuse to yield.
    * Organized groups, inspired by the past, mobilize around munitions factories, engineering hubs, and logistic arteries. Their mission? To halt the machinery of war, to shield innocents from the storm.

    The Dutch Courts’ Wisdom:
    * The Dutch courts, discerning as oracles, recognized that engineering parts could be wielded as weapons. F-16 components, logistical veins—all conduits of destruction.
    * Sub-contracted firms, hidden in the industry’s labyrinth, bear witness. Their hands shape destiny—whether in peace or strife.

    A Call to Action:
    * Let us rekindle the flame. Gather, as the Greenham women did, under open skies.
    * Peace camps, like sentinels, shall rise. Around munitions factories, they’ll weave threads of conscience.
    * Let our voices echo through time: Peace is our duty. When carrots fail, a stick must follow.

    Conclusion: In the dance of history, we find our steps. The torch passes—from Greenham to now. Let us be the brushstrokes, the daring dancers, the human chain that spans generations. For peace, for justice, for the innocents—we rise.

    Note: This post is a call to action, a spark to ignite collective consciousness. May it find wings and soar.

    Inspired by your words, I’ve crafted this post. Feel free to share it far and wide. Together, we echo the past, shaping a future where peace prevails. 🕊🌍

  4. This is the same ex nus president who was elected on the basis of campaigning against top up tuition fees but as soon as he was elected, he did about turn and followed Labour Party policy to bring on top up fees

  5. What you appear to be denying or not understanding is that being anti-Netanyahu and his criminal cohorts or anti-genocide is not anti-Semitic. You are deliberately misrepresenting the facts to suit your industrial hypocrisy. What else is new ?????

  6. Yes please bring back Corbyn. This (mostly)robotic front bench scares me.
    Now, why has nobody researched and exposed in the news/on Youtube for all to see, if Egyptian and US intelligence had indeed warned Netanyahu? A couple of weeks ago, there was a programme on Radio4, exposing how Israleli border posts with Gaza (mostly staffed with women soldiers) had warned of Hamas cooking sthg. They were ignored. Netanyahu even moved some soldiers to the north to protect illegal settlements. A lot of these women were killed on October 7th. My heart bleeds for the horros of that day, as a human being, and as a part Jew. But it also bleeds for the current horrors in Gaza. And, I do not want to be associated with Netanyahu and the illegal settlements, although I am 100% committed to the existence of Israel, which for me entails the same rights must be granted to Palestinians, else Israel cannot have this right. You cannot deny others what you claim for yourself.

  7. Many ppl in the comments seem to be more focussed on insulting and putting ppl down. Not surprised given that the political community is the most toxic community there is. I’ll bring some common sense and decency into the comment section: Wes did an amazing job at directly answering the Q’s and expressing passion and persistence when questioned about the NHS. Wasn’t 100% convinced with all his responses to the anti-semitism issue tho

  8. If you are a non-Dom person…… so one of those people with incredible wealth…… you most definitely have the ability to have your fly out of the country and therefore cannot be taxed on it !!!

    These labour liars are going to raise next to nothing from this ridiculous policy !


  9. These politicians have absolutely nothing about them. Where's the dynamic, think outside the box, full of charisma and great ideas that work politicians? Ideas they are going to see out and not change because a minority don't agree . Politicians and leaders who don't blame the previous dullards but are looking to shape our future, never looking back. Sadly there are none and it's detrimental to our great country.

  10. Sorry but if they didn’t use other health company’s people will be waiting years for basic and major surgeries🤯 NHS Hospitals can only handle so many patients, using other sources to do basic surgeries like Cataracts, endoscopy etc. Would never vote for Labour, lying Starmer cannot make pledge to anything unless Conservative get a negative about a policy then Labour jump in and say the opposite, vote touting🇬🇧

  11. There wasn't anything anti-Semitic about his comments, how silly has this incident become in the eyes of the British public? Expressing views on the genocide in Gaza committed by the Israeli government, isn't anti-semiotic.


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