Eating You Alive – Diet, Health and Wellness Documentary

Nearly 30.4 million people die each year from chronic diseases and $3.8 trillion is spent in healthcare costs in the U.S. alone for treating what the CDC defines as “among most common, costly and preventable of all health problems.” Tackling one of the greatest health catastrophes of our time, this powerful film reveals how what we eat exacerbates illnesses and, more importantly, explains — in an accessible and engrossing manner — how we can prevent, arrest and even reverse chronic diseases through diet. Along with professional insights from several leading physicians and medical researchers, Eating You Alive features compelling endorsements from celebrities such as director James Cameron and actress Suzy Amis Cameron, actor Samuel L. Jackson and entertainer Penn Jillette, in addition to moving testimonies from everyday individuals who have healed themselves with whole foods. It’s time for a revolution in healthcare and it starts with the next bite.
Directed by: Paul David Kennamer Jr.
Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, James Cameron, Suzy Amis

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48 thoughts on “Eating You Alive – Diet, Health and Wellness Documentary”

  1. 10:04 If someone goes to med school+ training for a decade, and doesn't know food effects Your health, maybe they should have chosen another profession. Propaganda paid by the big pharma and others sucks of course, but You have a responsibility to use Your own brain also.

  2. Thank you for this film. Always good to view other perspectives with an open mind. Whole food consumption is always going have better outcomes than processed food. After many years of mainly plant based food I trialled meat and fat only for 3 months as an experiment with a nutritionist. A year in and I'm not going back. I see many great evidence based facts in this film but then mixed in some associative assumptions based on opinion. Before the animal rights activists get on my back I allow the equivalent of one cow to live and die per annum for my food. This cow is from a regenerative farm a short drive from where I live. This has a positive effect on the planet and the animals. My vegan/vegetarian friends kill many more animals than I do while causing soil depletion from huge mono-crop production and river pollution from removal of all native animals, birds and insects along with poisonous sprays and insecticides. So I prefer my new choice of lifestyle but try not to judge others. Many hours of research have taken me here including studying cardiovascular health and cholesterol / apolipoproteins. See the work of these people for more information if interested …
    Dr Anthony Chaffee

    Prof. Bart Kay

    Prof. Ben Bikman

    Dr Bret Scher

    Prof. David Diamond

    Dr Eric Westman

    Dr Georgia Ede

    Dr Jeffry Gerber

    Prof. Jeff Volek

    Dr Malcolm Kendrick

    Dr Paul Mason

    Dr Paul Rosch

    Dr Peter Attia

    Dr Peter Brukner

    Prof. Robert Lustig

    Dr Shawn Baker

    Prof. Steve Phinney

    Prof. Tim Noakes

  3. I cut out the process food. I eat less. I eat once every 3 days I meat veggies, and fruit i think fasting is the healthy option fasting is what makes you feel better.

  4. The country that almost tops the world (behind China) in diabetes also has the highest rate of vegetarians: India. Mexico has the highest adult prevalence of diabetes at 16.9%. The U.S. has a lower rate at 10.7%, Isn't Mexico where they eat lots of beans so therefore should be healthier? And in France where they eat lots of meat and cheese diabetes is at 6% of the population. And regenerative agriculture includes animals. So, what gives oh lovers of the science? Is it just food industry that is selective with the facts?

  5. I agree that we have to take more responsibility for our own health. But who is going to hold the doctors accountable for selling medications and false information instead of nutrition and the truth????… Also, let’s not forget the FDA…. Their just as guilty and a bunch of crooks as well for signing off on the ingredients that’s in our foods. Knowing it’s poisonous. If you can grow and raise your own foods please do so. I’m hoping I can have the resources to find land and grow my own someday.

  6. Cut out processed food, fast food, and starches on April 2 2023 and on July 13 2023 came from 314 lbs to 269lbs. Occasionally I will eat a wrap or high fiber bread. I exercise 30 minutes a day. I feel great and will continue because I love the way I feel. I noticed that the more sugar, I eat, the more sugar my body wants and craves. After eating it I go to sleep immediately. Now I try to stay away.

  7. All these dudes are clowns I’ve been on a plant based diet for most of my life I switch to carnivore and I get rid of all my immune disorders 100lbs down and shredded. Eating only meat heals and makes you super human there’s thousands if not millions who can vouch for this

  8. A lot of good info in this video that people need to hear. But unfortunately it very clearly has a vegan/vegetarian bias that kills its credibility with a lot of misinformation on animal food and fat.

  9. I m on menopause and After noticing my weight gain, and knowing that it’s hard to loose it, i decided to change my food habits. This change and the hundreds of documentaries, good documentaries i ve watched, it made me realised a lot of things.
    And now i am with my cholesterol level ok.
    Its in our heads, and common sense the source of the right path

  10. Americans needs to start eating old school specially the old Indian style of eating less food comprising of more fruits and vegetables like saints use to eat. The ancient Indian textbooks promotes eating less food. Also cut down on those meats and breads for God sake. Eat in moderation if you may.

  11. All these diets high protein low card high fat low fat are Designed for very short term results and it's sad they are propagated by "so called " experts. Eat less and don't snack. Eating would become simple if you eat less with lesser frequency.

  12. People are just not in terested in eating themselves healthy, i am plantbased for 24 months, looking and feeling great, my friends dont care, they will carry on eating unhealthy, so i stopped caring also, only focus on my own health

  13. ….I wish that I know about this documentary long ago. By far, this is one of the most educational, magnificent and powerful film I ever seen in my 58 years on this planet. I shared it to everyone I know including my ex wife. I came across to it two weeks ago and I watched it twice already and watching it for the third while I am writing this note. The best part of the message at the end, “ WHAT IS ON YOUR PLATE ? “

  14. If you eat meat you will feel better and be much more healthy. This movie is terrible and no one should listen to their advice. It's so sad the misinformation. Get rid of carbs and veggies and you will get healthier than you have ever been in your life. Don't listen to these people.

  15. The one line that sums it all up perfectly – "There's no profit in health". If they don't keep us sick, they don't make money. So they scheme and control what doctors learn to keep us blinded to reality so we'll keep popping pills, never getting better. Just managing symptoms while adding God knows what else to your body with these drugs. How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go, because it gets deeper. Much deeper. Cliff notes version is, they want to kill us while profiting off of us on the way to our early deaths.

  16. 1:19:07: Umm… can "Shaft" stop preaching about something he is actually NOT doing 1:14:31? Literally everyone else is a great show of 'before' and 'after' – with the after being so convincing. He is the only one who is still in the 'before'. If he dropped dead on set, would it have been worth it to sacrifice his healing for more money? I mean, he's worth millions – when is enough, enough? I would have said "ok – then fire me."

  17. Hi, I belive this curing diet is excellent for when you are very sick, it helps you to gain, some beauty after you have finish your treatment no to die, but not for the rest of your life!

  18. In 1826 Jean Brillat-Savarin stated, "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are." In the 1920s, the nutritionist, Victor Lindlahr said, "Ninety percent of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap food stuffs. You are what you eat." I remember the phrase, "You are what you eat," being popular again in the 1960s and '70s. Somehow, this culture stopped advancing with life-changing, innovative changes between 1900 and the 1920s (the health care industry, food industry, transportation industry–Why in heaven's name are we still using gas combustible engines when electric cars and electric transportation systems were available at the turn of the 20th century!?) Actually, I do know why but that's an entirely different can of worms. I've simply come to this conclusion: the food industry is NOT our friend; Congress is NOT our friend; lobbyists sure as h*ll aren't our friend; the health industry is NOT our friend. Why? billions and trillions of dollars in profits. We can rely upon no one but ourselves. Every whole food-plant based eater should all join into a club.

  19. Just by attacking the LCHF nutrition you know this show is plant-mongering BS….Just by including the idiot doctor who went on publicly to say that "sugar consumption cures diabetes" this film just proclaimed its conflict of interest…

  20. I stopped eating red meat and my iron levels dropped so far I became anaemic. I had no idea that iron in plants is different to the iron in meat. Vegan is fine when you have supplements, so my question is, if we were designed to eat vegan why don’t we get everything we need from that diet without supplements?

  21. I just turn carnivore from vegetarian and my health got a lot better. Herbivores are made to eat plants and plants are glicose and celulosis based food that will lead to metabolic deseases. This content is fake and you can see this when their parameters are OMS data.

  22. We are human created by our CREATOR WHO KNOWS BETTER THAN ANY DOCOR OR SCIENTIST what is good and what is not
    All resources are good if used in balance and when you need to eat ..that is when hunger knocks ..not grazing all day long on unhealthy man-made products that looks only to fill pockets not to feed hungry humans
    Hope this program and its participants are honest in their comments not to profit another ….organization

  23. All thanks to DR.UWENBOHERBALHOME YT channel were i cured myself naturally of TMAU ( Body odor) and PAROSMIA with pure herbs remedy and natural diet protocol on youtube…

  24. Chronic is derived from chronos time. Over time mucus poisoning our bodies. The solution by Prof. Ehret Mucusless Diet Healing System annotated book by Professor Spira

  25. Im from 'heavy genetics'..without any health issues .. im 330lbs i dont have any health issues other then high high stress. I eat healthy and im very very active and very strong. I take no medicationnot even aspirin..Im a rare one even the bio family no health issues..The crap they put in food is outrageous.. if you observed children you can tell those who eat real food and those who dont

  26. The amount of propaganda is insane.
    Humans have been eating lean meats, red meats, butter, milk and olive oil for YEARS! We have the all time high for obesity and death because of garbage foods like Oreos and microwave meals and McDonald’s, etc. do your research!!!


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