Easter 2023 | Full Sunday Service | Smoke Damage

“Shame, Guilt, and Freedom. Becoming A Friend Of God”

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15 thoughts on “Easter 2023 | Full Sunday Service | Smoke Damage”

  1. Easter mention once in the whole bible.
    Acts 12:1:4 KJV Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. 2And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. 3And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) 4And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.

    It is found once in the real Bible. It was a reference to a Roman pagan holyday that takes place about the same time as the Jewish Passover including the week after being the days of unleavened bread. Herod, the King, decided to wait until the festivities were over before bring out Peter and killing him.
    Many try and make Easter a reference to the Jewish Passover, but Passover was already passed as the passage states that they were in the days of unleavened bread which was the week after Passover

  2. Happy Sunday all

    It absolutely blesses my heart to see our deaf brothers and sisters enjoy the service the way I saw today I Praise God for that so much, God Bless the TSC deaf ministry and the TSC.
    ✨It was good to be in the house of the lord ✨

  3. Jesus I love you with all my heart!!! You are my savior, lord and best friend!!! You are the risen lord no power could hold you in thath tomb. My Christian brothers and sisters praise the risen lord with all your heart!!! Happy Easter to all of you.

  4. The death of Shinzo Abe and Ivana Trump remind us that life can be over in the blink of an eye. In an instance we will find ourselves standing before Almighty God ready to be judged, on the precipice of spending eternity in Heaven or Hell for trillions and trillions of years to come. Something amazing beyond imagination or something horrendous beyond what we can imagine. In a fire with a never ending accusing conscience. These are the two options the bible clearly lays out for us. Truth and reality can be a very hard thing to swallow, it has been for me, but God is the creator and he sets the terms though many lives end in tragedy and heartbreak when we look at life through the lens of God. Did we live our own way? If we examine the life of Ivana Trump she achieved great things. Business woman, was married to one of the leaders of the free world. But all the worldly accolades and successes will amount to nothing when we stand before God. All our charitable deeds, good causes, and social groups we were apart of will mean nothing to God. Jesus said our human righteousness is filthy rags before him and Jesus said to the Rich Young ruler.. Why do you call me good, there is not one that is good but God. So if we think we will escape the wrath of God because we are "good" or did many "good things" we couldn't be further from the truth. As a matter of fact the bible says Jesus came to justify the ungodly. So it is not until there is a recognition of just how ungodly we are do we have a hope of becoming justified. They criticized Jesus for eating with sinners, and prostitutes and Jesus said I did not come to call the righteous but the unrighteous and it is not those who are whole who need a physician but those who are sick. Most people have an extremely shallow understanding of what Jesus is saying in the gospel so by that they are condemned to hell for eternity. The bible is the book in which we will be judged by, have you taken the time to read what is says, do you even care? If not it's time to wake up out of sleep, and stop being distracted. No news of the days or the latest with covid will amount to a hill of beans when we stand before God. Sounds like the harshest thing someone could say to anyone but changing the trajectory of someones eternal destiny though harsh is the most loving thing you could do for anyone. Thinking of the horrors of hell Jesus lays out, and the stringent requirement Jesus lays out to get to Heaven is shocking. They said Lord will only a few be saved and he said I tell you there is a narrow way make every effort to enter for many I tell you will try and they will not be able. And when the master has risen and shuts the door they will began to say Lord open to us, we have done all these works and miracles in your name and he is going to say I know not where you are from, I have never known you. Why? because Jesus requires a God fearing relationship with him to get to Heaven with MANY behavioral imperatives. Not simply profession but a life of willful obedience to all the bible commands. In the bible the rich man fared sumptuously everyday he had all the fine clothes and fine dining while a beggar waited outside his gate longing for the crumbs to fall off the rich mans table, and the dogs licked the beggars sores. They both died the rich man went to hell, and the beggar to Heaven. The rich man lifted up his eyes in torment and said send Lazarus so he may dip his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame. Abraham said you had your good things in life and Lazarus experienced many evil things and now he is comforted and you are tormented. And now there is a gulf that you will never cross. The rich man said send someone to warn my brothers so they don't come to this place of torment. and Abraham said they have the preachers and the prophets if they wont hear what they are saying and Repent neither will they listen if someone comes back from the dead. What was the difference bt the two men? The rich man was preoccupied and satisfied living in a fallen world. Lazarus the beggar was willing to come on Christ's terms even though it led to a life of horrible suffering. All the disciples of Jesus were martyred in horrible fashions. Not because they have a willy nilly easy believism kind of faith, it is bc they had a message they believed so much they were willing to die for that message. After all they witnessed the death and resurrection of Jesus themselves, how could they deny what they saw with their eyes?That is what Jesus is looking for, The only way anyone is getting into Heaven is if they have been granted to have a relationship with Jesus. Jesus said the wind blows where it will and you hear the sound of it but don't know where its coming from or where it is going so is everyone born of the spirit. Jesus told Nicodemus one of the leaders of the Jews if you are not born again you will IN NO wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There is a way that seems right to a man but it ends in death. Those who try to keep their life will lose it, but those who will lose their life for God's sake will find it. John the Baptist came Preaching REPENT! prepare the way of the Lord! Salvation is a very profound and real thing. It is a complete and total transformation of a person by God. God has set apart a people for himself to bring glory to his name and to put his power on display before men and before the Holy Angels and they will be the only ones in Heaven. This is a long message there are so many directions to go from here with more detail but I will save it for another time. I pray our final family reunion will be in Heaven one day. God Bless.


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