Earths Mysterious Lost Ancient Civilizations

Earths Mysterious Lost Ancient Civilizations

Discover the multiple ancient civilizations from earths past. Discover the Mayans, Japans Samurai, Roman Gladiators, the Aztecs, and a few more! We will go into details on each one so stay tuned and stick around to find out more!

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9 thoughts on “Earths Mysterious Lost Ancient Civilizations”

  1. One of the first people here 🙂 Greetings to all. I Have always loved the background music, and history of Civilizations from the Mayans, the Egyptians and many others from far far back. Love this too 1:36 Wow

  2. I think civilizations just like seasonal plants sprouts and withers. It could be caused by natural cataclysmic events or civilization-made apocalypse and there could be hundreds if not thousands of civilizations that came by before modern human existed. For example those Annunakis could be a civilization that destroyed the earths environment rendering it harmful for them but not for the evolving human ancestors. A few last of them may have tampered with our ancestor's process of evolution before they went extinct or left the planet leaving clues where they went like planet's or stars locations.

  3. Suppose you are a technically high advanced civilization and capable to travel all over our planet. And you know about the cycle of seven world eras and you know that the next recurring thus predictable but inescapable disaster is near and will wipe out your civilization. You also know that after many years a new civilization will emerge. You want to tell that civilization that you existed and discovered many things that may be useful for them. You start by building high but sturdy monuments that will be visible after many years above the ground even when a flood has covered it with meters of mud. And to build survival places high in the mountains to maximize the change to survive the expected flood. You are capable to soften stone or even melt stone. So you can make huge stones in every shape, small or large and as many corners as you like. Together with other people all over the planet you decide to give that next civilization, us, a clear message: "Hey guys, we lived here before and we were able to travel our planet long before you could. And we are capable to make these kind of megalithic stones in every size". That message is always denied by scientist because science still says that Columbus was the first to travel the Atlantic ocean. The cycle of disasters is caused by the ninth planet in our solar system. That ninth planet orbits our sun in an eccentric orbit. So that planet is only a short time in the vicinity of our sun and its planets. After crossing the ecliptic plane of the planets at a very high speed, it disappears into the universe for a few thousand years. These crossings cause disasters on our planet with a huge tidal wave, earthquakes, storms and rains in unprecedented amounts and a bombardment of fiery meteors. Another result is a cycle of civilizations. To learn much more about planet 9, the recurring flood cycle and its timeline, the rebirth of civilizations and ancient high technology, read the e-book: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". This book answers many of your questions about ancient history. It can be read on any computer, tablet or smartphone. Search: planet 9 roest


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