Our world is dying. Have you noticed it?

-When you look at the pollution of our world,

-when you hear as we did this week that 10% (or 866 species) of the world’s trees are going extinct this decade,

-when the oceans are depleted of their abundant harvests of fish

-when the birds of Mexico City fall from the smoke laced skies in death

-when industrial wastes have cast a blanket of death across the farms and forests of many parts of our world . . .

One thing that will probably unite the world faster than anything else is Climate Change.

Satan knows that, he knows that the end of days judgments of God are coming and he is positioning his False Christ to jump in when the whole world is hopeless, with the answer.

Remember Satan is the smartest and most powerful being ever created by God. He doesn’t have “artificial” intelligence, he has super, knows about everything since creation Demonic Intelligence that is far greater than any HUMAN intelligence.

REV2023FL-19 – When Will Earth Finally Get Fixed (230428M) –

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35 thoughts on “EARTH IS DYING & ANTICHRIST WILL COME TO THE RESCUE–But When Will Earth Finally Get Fixed?”

  1. This nature cycle, congratulations to devoted scientists to try to understand this land. The earth was by GOD for us ( human) we should review and understand the creation because that's perspective as a human

  2. I know the truth is being spoken here. That's why the devil is afraid. I was suddenly unsubscribed here and poogle podcast. I could not even search through my history. Keep doing God's work.

  3. There is no such thing as climate change. In the late '70's Leonard Nimoy hosted a special where we were supposed to be frozen by the year 2000. The internet and schooling the children has kept Global warming at the forefront of people's minds now. Meanwhile we have the same cold winters and warm summers I've grown up with for over 60 years.

  4. Sir, you are a true messenger of the Lord. I am a Christian but many years ago I fell away and I had a near death experience and I was cast into outer darkness for a while and I can assure you it was beyond terrifying. God sent me there as a warning. It’s as real a reminder today as it was then.

  5. That is because our governments are causing things to happen. And there was nothing wrong when covid happened I've never seen such blue skies taken those planes out of the equation. Stop chem trails

  6. It’s so hard to live without fear in this time. I have to remind myself daily that all that is happening has been pre-ordained and that Jesus will fulfill the law and all his promises, and that no man can come onto my TV making promises for a better future that will amount to anything but ruin because my Lord is the only way out of what’s to come. He wills it and even though the path is difficult and terrifying his will on this earth will ultimately be good.

  7. Please pray for my brother in law, he has a really bad heart, and was denied by the hospital for surgery unless he paid them 4000 up front. He has medical, but denied. This is the new global healthcare takeover. If you dont have money you get no service now. God be with us all. 🙏

  8. Almighty God says that unless He gets involved there would be no survivors…that's how bad the tribulations will get. No matter, we all have rebirth and resurrection to look forward to…that is, if we can repent adequately, earnestly, and with divine faith…before Wormwood seals the deal. Though Revelation is a bit of a mystery it will all still occur just as prophesied. Those who have Revelation knowldge will see the stepping stones though the signs won't make normal scientific sense…this is because we don't understand the true dimensional science of the universe. Suffice it to say that to enter our Deities dimension we need to pray, repent, follow righteousness, and talk to Jesus, and his Father, daily, instead of our smart phones. That way, The Science of Righteousness will embrace us in a wonderful way.

  9. HalleluYah praise be to Him who comes in the name of Yahuah (Baruk Haba BaShem Yahuah
    Thank you for sharing this beautifully inspired message. May you have countless stars in the heaven shamayim

  10. Your pants are wet. Why does "John" not qualify to write revelation according to Rev. 10.11 as he had no other prophecy about nations languages and kings as commanded? Only Daniel qualifies as author. Why does the name of jesus x 9 = 666? J=90+e=45+s=171+u=189+s=171=666. The mark is the cross on the right hand or forehead at baptism. The beast is religion, each head a different god. the 3 held low are muslim, hindu and jews. Jesus the eight head replacing the 1st head Tammuz. Ishtar was the babylonian fertility goddess who came down from heaven in an egg. Her son Tammuz was killed by a bore and bewailed 40 days as referenced in Ezekiel 8. This got turned into 40 days of mourning known as lent and eating bore with bunnies and eggs on ishtar sunday. Hashem bless.

  11. This video is an example of the axion that anyone can make the Bible say anything.The Bible was written two thousand years ago, so the predictions in this video should have applied two thousand years ago. So two thousand years later nada.

  12. There are no North American’s that can place their right palm on the KJV and say these words once only in a calm coherent manner-> I refuse to be full of demons.

    Mental innit?

    Various bird species can mimic the words!🐣🐥🦜🤦


  13. Dr Butler is a great pastor and preacher and I have been blessed listening to many of his sermons and sermonettes. A brave soldier for the Lord.
    I take issue with the climate change nonsense. The earth is polluted in many places, it is abused and exploited by many greedy and lost people, but it is absolutely not dying, nor is climate change a legitimate threat at all. Russians have the most detailed Arctic ice maps on earth; they are recognized as an authority on the Arctic, and they were the first ones to call nonsense on climate change back in 2005. They said evidence shows a hot and active sun is the reason for some warming that took place from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. Now the sun is entering a cool phase and temps are gently declining NOT warming. Anyway the Russians are spending billions on a fleet of nuclear powered icebreakers. They would not be doing that if they thought the oceans were warming and would be more ice free.

    50 years of false environmental predictions, and IPCC officials admitting climate policy is not for the environment, but for redistribution of wealth. Look it up. I know no one but Jesus can save us from the lies we are being buried under. But that does not mean I will go along with those lies. Climate change (formerly known as AGW or Anthropomorphic caused…Global Warming) is a lie. Thank you for your teachings and exhortations, and God Bless you in Brother in Christ..

  14. Almighty God, through Revelation, is taking responsibility for all the chaos caused by Wormwood as it sweeps through our current dimension and isolates Planet Earth from the Milky Way. That is the only way that we will see stars falling towards the Earth in the real world. Even ufos use this hidden dimension and because the global population, here on Earth, is on the threshold of this knowledge, our Deity, being, Jesus Christ, and Almighty God, who own and pioneer all good order in the universe via sciences we can only dream about…are giving us one last chance to repent.

  15. Why do u pray like that
    In front of people
    As if your personal words are meaningful
    When you pray do you demonstrate significance of the one you pray to ?
    Or do you pop off like a chump in Vegas show people how tough he is by letting people see

    I'm cold
    The program is death
    Not by works but by grace

    Death is the last
    Am I wrong?

  16. The spirit of the Antichrist has already been on Earth since the beginning of time as ignorance, misinformation, greed, hate, arrogance, no caring and only causing harm, pain suffering and death.


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