DZ Normandy – The Employment of Troop Carrier Forces D-Day Training Documentary – C-47 CG-4 Horsa

Okay, this is simply the best, most thorough film about D-Day airborne operations, including a history of previous important troop carrier missions like the Sicily invasion. It is called “DZ Normandy — The Employment of Troop Carrier Forces”. The rare nuggets of history in this Army Air Forces film about airborne assaults in World War II include test footage of aircraft as diverse as a B-25, P-38, PBY Catalina, B-17, and C-54 towing CG-4 gliders aloft.

When British Horsa gliders were assigned to some American units before D-Day in 1944, scenes show American national star insignia carefully painted by hand. The wealth of day-to-day details in this film make it worth watching.
Planners for the D-Day airborne operation went to great lengths to avoid a repeat of the friendly fire incidents that occurred during the Sicily invasion the previous year. Invasion stripes are shown being applied with rough brushes not long before the invasion. Remember the dummy parachutists in the movie “The Longest Day”? Reference is made in this documentary training film of British Stirling bombers performing decoy missions including dropping dummies.
If “Memphis Belle” is the go-to AAF film about strategic bomber operations, “DZ Normandy — The Employment of Troop Carrier Forces” stands out as the best schooling in the important, and sometimes overlooked, sphere of troop carrier aviation in World War II. It is a professional and entertaining film, with footage not seen elsewhere.
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5 thoughts on “DZ Normandy – The Employment of Troop Carrier Forces D-Day Training Documentary – C-47 CG-4 Horsa”

  1. I enjoyed this very much. I never gave much thought to how complex the airborne operations of D Day were. This is a good tribute to the paratroopers, glider forces and the men of the transport service. I noticed P 47s, P 51s and a couple of Spitfire IXs on the airfields in France. C 47 video on That's All Brother was also very interesting, Thanks for the post.

  2. Thanks for this documentary post! My mother's cousin was in the 101st and participated in the D-Day drop! My nephew is in the 82nd Airborne Rangers! Proud of them both! As always God bless you and yours Mr. Johnsen and thanks again for all you do! God bless the USA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. j'étais en Normandie ce week-end, en tenues avec ma femme et ma fille comme tous les ans
    pour le 6 juin, toujours une belle expérience!! merci pour ce document.


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