Dylan Rounds Current Drama Talk – Going Backwards ? | Elko Map Analysis

Discussing the latest problems in the Dylan Rounds case & Elko map analysis

Music Credit : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA

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21 thoughts on “Dylan Rounds Current Drama Talk – Going Backwards ? | Elko Map Analysis”

  1. Ty got his house broken into. Or trashed. It wasnt his main home but his other home. i would think it could of been Lance who kicked the door in or Don H. Even kurt, defo someone he knows well, and they knew that Ty was not at the property. maybe Salty Pancakes after all the drama about meeting for a fight.

  2. I dont believe Candice knows Dylan and it shows in her interviews… Justin an HIS parents raised him not her sure she is getting paid for all interviews and thats ways this is all about MONEY $$$$. Im a mother and she is a disgrace to mothers… Her lies have convinced me that She is leading everyone on a goose chase like Kurt did an does.. Im confused why would anyone want to interview her????????

  3. I think after ty took off to meet salty, Lance had to distance himself in order to get his non profit started. They. Have been praised for keeping the drama out of his videos. Lance never calla names. But he does defend himself. I like ty too, but you can't let that drama pull you in. My opinion. As for who kicked in his door, my money would be on someone doug knows. Looking for the gopro he wants back

  4. war Like Wrath. Go bach to Tyler Fellers video labeled Shocking Dylan Rounds. It has the phone call between Jim Terry and Dylan's family. It was 4 months ago. It's interesting to she how Candice started dictating everything from the start. It's also interesting how much our idea of the crime has changed

  5. Parents, family and friends of THE MISSING need hugs not criticism. ANYONE willing to help should be praised…. this whole monetization of the CAUSE OF THE MISSING is a bit sketchy still by some characters but I think he does a great job filming and showing the land layout out there and he is learning every day. Mostly great stuff. Prayers for answers and safe travels.

  6. Here is what 5 different spirit box programs,and Dylan has mentioned about his mom did it,mom has wallet,book,keys n more,I have caught candies cool living n not keeping some story's same also don't see mom out looking everyday for her son she has conerdictd herself about looking for Dylan,checking truck,farm,she'd I don't think she checked nowhere,also if JB put black bags in dylans truck she watch JB do this,then WHY did she not follow JB,so I do believe she maybe involved


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