Dwayne Johnson Gets Pulled Over and Teases Police About Having 'Guns'

Dwayne Johnson has jokes! On TikTok, the actor shared his interaction with officers outside of an XFL stadium, where he was asked to stop his car and unlock the doors. Dwayne then makes a joke about the ‘guns’ in his car, which he of course is referring to his biceps. .


38 thoughts on “Dwayne Johnson Gets Pulled Over and Teases Police About Having 'Guns'”

  1. Here is some legal advice as I still stand as a lawyer coming from heaven if they bring a keywitness to testify against you, for the laws are based on Christianity and the freedom of such and if the witness divulges that they are Christian if you are Christian why have you sworn and taken in oath for the court did not Jesus say I tell you do not swear no take oath for anyone who takes off will be in snare therefore the witness who has been summoned to testify against you has no credibility within the courts within the chambers the halls of God does this not apply within the world if they say against you I witnessed him do it and they are Christian within testimony of the Court does not Jesus say do not judge by sight but by righteousness therefore scripture says whoever humbles themselves will be exalted whoever exalts themselves will be humbled
    What established of truth will they tell if they cannot hover as the sure of of the ducks that leads to forward the harvest of God when they are testifying against you

  2. “Do you know why I pulled you over?“ “I was speeding, but I really got to use the bathroom really bad“ “so tell me, how does the Rock take a pee” “he Dwaynes his Johnson”

  3. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Did everybody get what that cop said? “make sure the doors are unlocked!”
    don’t ever unlock your doors for a cop !
    make sure them doors are locked tight and windows are rolled up don’t answer questions!

  4. It's so crazy to see famous people… it's like there's a level of fame that you reach that completely detaches you from reality.
    And they smile and laugh about it. They're like more famous politicians.

  5. What about the ones who aren’t keeping anyone safe, Dwayne? This was nothing more than a publicity stunt by a woke ex-McMahoner.

    Let’s see him try that in North Carolina where racism is alive and well and police do not have a sense of humanity or humor.


  6. Trust me if he did that here in my state. He would have been arrested and he would have no bond. And the judge would not go easy on him just because he's rich and famous. And he would quote this ( You think u are rich and famous and powerful u are not u will be sentence (Time to serve) in my county jail and then u will be transported to a federal prison where i will make sure u are treated like a standard prison) famous inmate's have tried to sue the judge who have lost there case's. And she has had them sentence for filing false charge's against her. I know a rich famous rapper who's serving a very long prison sentence for calling her the B word. And she was like oh u don't get to call me that. U are going to be in a 6X6 cell for 5 year's added to your original charge's.

  7. I'm glad Dwayne Johnson wasn't victimized by that feeling because he was anxious to victimized and celebrity on camera knowing that he will be protected because of the Constitution belief and villainizing its citizens so again we need to stand up in unison to support for cop killers because they lay their life down on the line with bravery knowing that the odds are stacked up against them when dealing with these villains


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