Dust by Judith Wright | Summary & Explanation | MA II Sem Paper 3 | #MJPRU

Dust by Judith Wright (Text)

This sick dust, spiraling with the wind,
is harsh as grief’s taste in our mouths
and has eclipsed the small sun.
The remnant earth turns evil,
the steel-shocked earth has turned against the plough
and runs with wind all day, and all night
sighs in our sleep against the windowpane.

Wind was kinder once, carrying cloud
like a waterbag on his shoulder; sun was kinder,
hardening the good wheat brown as a strong man.
Earth was kinder, suffering fire and plough,
breeding the unaccustomed harvest.
Leaning in our doorway together
watching the birdcloud shadows,
the fleet wing wind shadows travel our clean wheat
we thought ourselves rich already.
We counted the beautiful money
and gave it in our hearts to the child asleep,
who must never break his body
against the plough and the stubborn rock and tree.

But the wind rises; but the earth rises,
running like an evil river; but the sun grows small,
and when we turn to each other, our eyes are dust
and our words dust.
Dust has overtaken our dreams that were
wider and richer than wheat under the sun,
and war’s eroding gale scatters our sons
with a million other grains of dust.

O sighing at the blistered door, darkening the evening star,
the dust accuses. Our dream was the wrong dream,
our strength was the wrong strength.
Weary as we are, we must make a new choice,
a choice more difficult than resignation,
more urgent than our desire of rest at the end of the day.
We must prepare the land for a difficult sowing,
a long and hazardous growth of a strange bread,
that our son’s sons may harvest and be fed.

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For the summary and analysis of the poem On Killing A Tree

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Environment literature
gender studies
children literature
cultural studies
dalit literature
#gender studies
Dust by Judith Wright Summary and Explanation
Dust by Judith Wright
Dust by Judith Wright summary in Hindi
Dust by Judith Wright explanation
Dust by Judith Wright summary in English
Dust by Judith Wright explanation and analysis
Dust by Judith Wright explanation in Hindi
Dust by Judith Wright line by line explanation
Dust by Judith Wright analysis
Dust by Judith Wright analysis in Hindi
Dust by Judith Wright stanza by stanza explanation in Hindi
Judith Wright’s Dust
Summary of Judith Wright’s Dust
Explanation of Judith Wright’s Dust
Analysis of the poem Judith Wright’s Dust
Analysis of Judith Wright’s Dust
Summary of Dust poem
Explanation of Dust poem
Line by line explanation of Judith Wright’s Dust
the poem Judith Wright’s Dust Summary and Explanation


/ gajendra.sharma.566

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