Dungeon Master Therapy: Gen Con #dnd


26 thoughts on “Dungeon Master Therapy: Gen Con #dnd”

  1. Ah I will never forget the werebunny. It was for an Easter one shot. My players ignored everything else I threw in their path. Made a B line for the rabbit and spent most of the one shot trying to capture it without killing it. Caught the bunny and rolled insanely well. They muzzled the werebunny and kept it as a "pet." I then allowed the half fog giant to keep the werebunny for our next campaign. The group really enjoyed it.

  2. My brother friend made a overpower character that is cactus that throw Coconuts that some how became overpower and made the character in to a boss but less overpowered

  3. I played as an immortal lich God with my soul being connected to the players trying to kill me it was hilarious cuz they couldn't do nothing they were just trying everything from ceiling spells all the way up to my book on Opie level spells above the game hell we even watched as they tried using demons to devour and all they got stabbed to the ass cuz the demons couldn't find it even the demons are confused at that point when at the end I gave up I told the players at what I did they were furious they went through all of my challenges and traps just to find out they could have just killed themselves and saved the entire world it was toxic as hell and so does what I did to them is deserved I mean to start out one of them wanted to play as a god literally searched for hours to find a ring of one wish of the ring of infinity and you know what he ended up doing wishing to be a god itpk that's so hard I ended up making him no movement speed infinite defense 1 HP and the size of a giant and cursing him with brutallic hunger which is a curse in my book I'm writing that makes it impossible to eat normal food and you have to eat living things being a giant he has a massive appetite ended up he hated that then the other guy wanted to use the ring to undo that so I ended up using a spell seal that I have placed on the side of every one of my spells and asked him will he take the curse and and every other thing I have done to him so far and put it on his character to save his friends he said yes I double tpked him that time because the effects double when using the seal which they were giving a quick briefing on before I started when he realized what he did he was so mad he commits Sudoku unfortunately for him that curse also gives you 4,000 lives he ended up so pissed because he couldn't go to Sudoku 4,000 times and there's no work around for it because every action you do you have to have 50% consume meaning you consume anything within a 15 ft radius for your size he ended up consuming a jail and a prison thankfully everyone on guard was on break I feel bad for the criminals I have to say that is one of the worst things a player could do but it's even worse when you're made to do it by the dungeon master hell I did even more to him he tried using the true ring of unlimited research which could reach to any power and use it making wishes seem like child's Play he was the last guy in the party besides belly brains there and it keeps on going after that when he was able to make him come back three gods and three devils decided to punish him from disturbing the balance of time I don't know how the hell he won and sent every one of them to hell 7th level of hell I might add which by the way in the nine levels of hell which is basically the nine layers of hell the 7th level is the worst level cuz the higher your power the harder it is to go which is why all the wizards there have basically just made a town and since they want the guardians of hell I had a laughing stock and so did all the players it was toxic as hell can be hot and that's putting my toxic to an understatement cuz after I did all of that they came back a week later after having their souls sealed in an ultimate reality where time doesn't pass for them but every second for them is a minute in the real world they ended up 12 years later which by the way was another way for me to tpk them because for one I keep on destroying the entire party and they have to come back and back and back and back and back and back and back back and back and back back back and believe me they have never finished a dungeon a playthrough hell they haven't even finished well anything besides small crests to find items which are basically the God's equivalent to a quest even then they will always on the run due to the fact that they are constantly getting full of themselves so they decided to try the tpk me back oh baby I did them bad they decided that once they found your video about the nuclear bombs to try that on me I didn't say no the magic bomb exploded but at the time they were in the middle of a seal war and the college was completely sealed up with thousands upon thousands of magic seals they ended up getting trapped into nine layers of hell once they made it to the seven oh the three gods and three devils had a field day with them and tonight in fact they're going to be here in 5 minutes I'm planning on doing them even worse so give me some advice any item you could ever think of even if it doesn't exist in your books that you've read it could be existing in a book that I have made or the one I'm writing so I need some advice before I get here

  4. Lich bunny.
    The lich either got its phylactery wrong and resurrected as a bunny.
    Or he got a Familiar he cast high level touch attack spells through.
    Give said familiar the benefits of mage armor and maybe a glyph for an additional buff duration and we have a monster with low HP, potentially recuperating Temp HP, high damage, and a decently high AC.
    Mind you you'd have to swap a couple of spells on the lich to make this work.
    Say hello to the innocent and cutesy death bunny. Aint it adorable.


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