Dueling with FAKE Yu-Gi-Oh Cards!

Alec and Trell have made their fake decks and now they have to duel using fake old Yu-Gi-Oh cards and made up effects! TEAM …


42 thoughts on “Dueling with FAKE Yu-Gi-Oh Cards!”

  1. This reminds me of the time 10 years ago when I dueled a kid at a weekly tournament and his deck of 60+ cards (kid didn't care about the deck cap) were fake and he legitimately thought they were real until I noticed his cards were extremely off. Like oh I don't know a Gilford the Thunder card that was wood type with 2810 atk that was a normal card and its level either 14 or 6 and it was a off cream color since it's been a literal decade I can't remember the specifics of the others but it did make me slowly track down fake cards to add to me collection of oddities

  2. I still have some of those exact fake cards (both of them) cuz my grandma and the woman who raised me wound up close to Canada hunting for flea markets and found both of those kinds and bought them for me and my little brother, they are surprisingly durable

  3. All of my Yu GI oh cards are fake but there effects are the same as the original but they change the words
    Like my Pot of greed the original Said "Draw 2 Cards" but the fake (named Pot of Avarice and said) "Take 2 Cards" I don't think why they change that but mine I think for copyright? Idk 😐,anyways I enjoy the vid

    Edit:the parentheses one


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