DSPNEWS THE SNORT REPORT: Podcast Invitation and Darksydephil's Email Follow up!!! Mar 1 & 3, 2023

#HardSnorts #SnortBucksCoffee #TimSnortons #SnortBucks #TheSnortReport #DSPGAMING #DSPSEARCH #DSPNEWS #Goutopia #Davetopia #TheGoutReport

– Time Stamps –

Intro Commercial 0:00
GTG’s TED Talk / Chewing The Fat w/GTG 3:46
First Video – Side Scroller Podcast Invitation 14:28
Second Video – Darksydephil’s Email 59:09

– The Song Been Played – 🎼🎶🎵

– Evil Needle – Hypnosis

– The Song Been Played – 🎼🎶🎵

– Flamingosis – Football Head

The Plug Video By Sunspot Gallery

‘SNORTBUCKS: Express Delivereeeee!’ Commercial

The Source Video By Side Scrollers

– Side Scrollers Podcast | March 1st, 2023

The Source Video By Side Scrollers

– Side Scrollers Podcast | March 3rd, 2023

The Maker Of DSPNEWS Intro

Mighty D’s Twitter

Maker Of SnortBucks Jiggle

James The Lesser Express Lane’s Twitter

Maker Of The Snort Report Layout

Meerkat’s Twitter

The Maker Of The DSPNEWS Fanart & Layout

SuperSlothPants’s Twitter

The Maker Of The SnortBucks Coffee Logo & The Coffee Shop Front.
The Maker Of Snortbucks Holiday Commercial & Hard Snorts Gin & Toxic
The Maker Of Tim Snortons Commercial

Chiyo18’s Twitter

The Maker Of SNORTBUCKS Express Delivereeeee! Commercial

Sunspot Gallery’s Twitter

Great Detractor Channels To Checkout!!!

* Snort Burnell

* Snort Burnell 2

* Mrhuth Stuff

🥚 Almighty Tevin

🥚 Almighty_ Streams & archives

* Mighty D

* James The Lesser Express Lane

* Memology 101

* Agent Proper With The DIA

* Gout Police

🐰 TheoDoesVids

* Vault Boy

* Vault Boy 2

🏍 David Davidson

* Ludwig World Order

🐶 LSBGaming

* Ghostly Winds

* Jackal’s Lair

* Mtcdood

* DipShitPhil R2

* The 0utsyder

* S.E.C.R.E.T.

* DaButthead

* DarkDave’s Mirror

* Robin And Zephyr

* HydeDhilContent

* thats 100% a lie

* LipJan

* Sunspot Gallery

* Paul Werkema

🐸 Almighty Frogga

😷 Based Ozlo


48 thoughts on “DSPNEWS THE SNORT REPORT: Podcast Invitation and Darksydephil's Email Follow up!!! Mar 1 & 3, 2023”

  1. Side scroller should just stick to interviewing people with not as much baggage. Phil straight played Craig and Craig and his friends were all blind to it. Making them look pretty oblivious.

    They should stick to fun interviews because this group shows they can't do serious interviews. They look pretty inept.

  2. I got tilted when dude said bankruptcy information we shouldn't have it. Bankruptcy is public info, especially for a business which dsp clames he his. So yes, we can have that info

  3. At this point DSP is not wrong about trolls lol. Most detractors don't have ill intentions but they couldn't resist bombarding Craig, think what the less scrupulous trolls get up to. Craig is probably terrified to get that kind of dark cloud following him arround. This is Phil's chance to come clean but we already know how it'd gonna go down.

  4. That interview is going to be a disaster.

    By the way, Velma wasn’t a success, any “second season” it made was already bought and paid for by the company it was made by.

  5. first off that girl on the podcast is an idiot doxing at this time is not illegal also phil did dox himself by using business cards with his name, phone number and address as well as putting his info as burnell productions in the yellow pages lol

  6. 6:22 I feel as though, maybe not as it pertains to tournaments but, you don't really have to be a great player to make a name and be respected.. Phil's downfall is that he's a horrible person and he's a terrible player.

    Further I think watching someone with a positive attitude grind it out and win some, lose some could be entertaining.

  7. If anyone had any hope of getting good questions, much less, good answers, out of this interview, you can forget it right away. Craig had a little bit of good karma going into this when he said he's gonna do a good interview, he's gonna do research etc. But as the days went on, he became more and more obstinate regarding the information presented to him. I pointed out to him how DSP lied about trolls stealing money during the bank leaks. POP pointed out that he's a straight up scammer hiding money on his streams, we've all showed him the evidence about WWE Champions, the bankruptcy and the leaks.

    His response to everything has been things like "so this evidence is illegal?" and "I refuse to talk to people who don't show me their face." It's fine if he doesn't wanna hear any of it, if he wants to make this a basic bitch podcast talking about Phil's favorite video games (LOL) his favorite movies (2x LOL) and his hobbies (OMEGA LOL). Craig had a stream the other day where he was bitching and complaining that people were bombarding him with information. Craig, if you didn't want information, you should have never opened the door to it. If you're gonna be doing a podcast, with interviews, guests, etc, you're going to have to have some level of a filter to the internet noise. The more you antagonize people and talk down to them, the more unhinged they'll become.

    If you can't handle the flak, stay the fuck in your lane, and mind your business.

  8. PWDubz wasn't a mod. From the context of that discussion, it seemed like him and DSP were talking in private, most likely because he was a sneak disser in the chat, and was accused of also being someone else from a specific state. PWDubz, for whatever reason, decided to send DSP a photo of his license to show that he wasn't from that state that he was being accused of being in, and DSP posted it in the other chat to "clear the air" since his mods were discussing whether to send the cloaks after PWDubz and tie him down…

  9. 2:24:28 Hate to break it to that guy, Phil’s bankruptcy is a public thing and YES, because it’s public it can in fact be brought up.

    And to add onto that, Phil has done such a thing as doxxing his PayPigs and what not…

    And I can feel it coming with the truth tonight as Phil Collins was right, Phil begs, not just for subs but money…CONSTANTLY, that’s kinda different then say me asking for a thumbs up at the end of my video (which by the way Phil also begs for CONSTANTLY in his videos as well)

  10. 2:24:26

    This guy's whole little point there is exactly why they need to back out. He approached the situation with moderation and reasonability when talking about the bank leaks but because Phil has already sprayed gouty venom everywhere the dude only accomplished putting his foot in his mouth. And now when he is trying to take the foot out of his mouth he only accomplishes shoving the other foot in there as well when he asks what if Phil was doxxing other people.

    I forget where I said it before but: "Wasn't this the same piggy who told Keemstar to look his number up as it should be readily available info because of all the doxxing instead of just DM'ing him the number or something? Phil had personally benefitted from being doxxed and perpetuated the use of that info but he doesn't want anything on this podcast? 🤔"

  11. Okay, has Dark been receiving games for free, lying about it to his audience and pocketing their money? That's absolutely something he would do, but Mario and Sonic Winter Olympics, I don't believe for one second that he got that game for free. He felt stupid for wasting his money on a terrible game and he lied hastily without realizing it would contradict his supposed moral standing against the early/free game practice amongst streamers. He did not get that game for free, Nintendo won't even send Angry Joe games anymore, you think they're hooking up DSP, no way.

  12. 4 hours? Just like old times GTG.

    Not that I’m complaining, I like listening to long vids for background. And besides if a vid is 4 hours long, you know GTG has loads of bacon to cut up.

  13. 6:25 exactly. Not only has his mental health taken a hit, any passion he may have had for gaming has long gone out the window. Hes hating games more and more because they’ve become too much fir him to handle. Him being invited into the podcast combined with his reacts channel (which is king of hate vlogs under a different alias. It’s not a new from scratch channel), are essentially him trying to phase out gaming. He’s burnt the out on gaming.
    22:45 just because you know of someone doesn’t mean you know them personally.
    36:25 so Phil is the guest but he’s telling the show he us going to be on to not promote him? Why? It’s their show. He’s not running it. Promoting things is how businesses work.
    44:00 religion is not an excuse for bad behaviour. Numerous priests and pastors have been outed as abusers, fraudsters or even convicted for murder over the years. And that stuff turns people off from religion or at least has them questioning their beliefs.
    52:00 they matured. If they kept acting like it, they wouldn’t be the big YouTubers they are today. Ksi’s fans frequently say the old ksi will never be topped and true that may be JJ (ksi) himself has said the old ksi wouldn’t make it in the modern age. If JJ kept acting like his old self,sure there’d be some that would still support him but the other half would tell him “grow up, you’re 30 or almost 30”. Whilst JJ still makes the weird joke and act here and there he has fir the most part grown up. As well as YouTube, he’s a musician, boxer, runs his own boxing organisation misfits. He didn’t stick with just YouTube.
    52:50 the fact that Ricegum wasn’t cancelled for that. Those words should have been way more than enough to have got him booted. Who on earth says “did it at least feel good?” To a victim of sexual violence? I suppose on the flip side, Rice has since been phased out. I remember watching a ksi video where JJ reacted to Ricegum talking about JJ and his music and stuff and even JJ could tell that Ricegum was stuck in 2016/17 (the ksi vid was in 2020/21 maybe 22). The whole segment was pretty much Rice coping over the fact that he had been phased out whilst most of his peers had outshone him. It was entertaining to watch and JJ? He was enjoying the salt.
    53:00 consequences act in sequences. They’re never just one event.
    56:10 basically Phil is going to impose his personal problems onto these guys and pretty much drain them until they get tired of him, cut ties with him and then he goes on pre stream and whine about how he was screwed over when in reality he got himself booted.
    56:45 I’m not reasonable myself either, GTG. So you’re not alone there.

  14. 1:12:40 we’ve all been in it for too long.
    1:16:10 you can see the paranoia in the way Phil has writtten the email. And he thinks he’s on trial for something. It’s a podcast. They’re just there to talk with you. By the way the way Phil has written his email, it’s not an email it’s pretty much an essay. And it’s too long worded to the point where no one nevermind Craig can process it all in one go.
    1:16:40 now you mention it, surely most people that read over this multiple times would go “ is this guy alright? He sounds like he has problems”. There are so many red flags in the email itself that it’s hard to know where to begin.
    1:34:00 once again it’s all about control with Phil. He’s inf ull control if you don’t know much if nothing about him but if you know too much he has no control.
    1:36:10 what history do they have if Craig himself doesn’t remember? What history is there? Just because you met someone once doesn’t mean there’s history between you two.
    2:08:10 the aftermath will certainly be where things get truly interesting.

  15. great 4hr video to help lead into the weekend!
    also, thank you, GTG, for the shout out at the end there 😊much appreciated! hopefully i'll have a few new things to hand over to you sometime soon. had a few things in the works for a while now, just haven't had the time to focus on editing.
    Thanks again! take care 😀

  16. There is no way this ends well for them. Either they pitch him softballs and take shit from the community because of it and based on their response create new enemies or they go hard and are looked at as a drama podcast which people will be wary of. You can't do business with Phil and walk away clean.

  17. 2:13:50 glad you bought that up because, Phil likes touting himself as an OG. What he keeps forgetting (as do a lot of other people) is that just because you’re an OG doesn’t mean you’re an all round good guy. There are plenty of so called OGs of their respected fields that are known to be completed utter assholes.
    2:21:10 things will get super awkward when they realise that Phil doesn’t really know much about anything.
    2:23:20 and lately he had the audacity to say if it weren’t for tihydp he’d have a million subs. Even though he was already declining before tihydp. And he was always going to peak around 200k subs. He thought putting out the same content over and over would get him a million subs.
    2:24:10 going back to what you were saying about dsp and wings and people like them. They don’t want to face any consequence. You can run from consequence all you want, eventually you have to face the music.
    2:34:55 that’s what Craig and the others will find out eventually. It’s how blatant Phil is with his begging.
    2:38:50 would not be surprised if Phil came out and admitted that most of the games on twitch he played were review copies. It may still be the case with games he plays on YouTube today.
    2:42:55 Phil pays the bare minimum on everything rather than pay it all off or at least pay the most that can be paid off.
    3:02:40 he does not want them talking or asking about the now.
    3:06:00 some dreams are never realised. Or were never meant to be realised.

  18. Derich sent me a message on my old twitch account back when I was a DSP fan in 2017, I didn't reply, but that was probably in order to send Phil donations on his behalf, if he had asked, I would have told him to f off.

  19. The Zelda dude is sounding like an undercover paypig. Dude jumps at any chance to defend DSP during this discussion. I think AN1337 already gave a similar prediction, but I think the only person with a braincell between these 4 is the American flag guy. The other 3 are sheep or idiots. This interview is going to be a waste of time. It will be softballs. None of this matters unless he slips up a little and another paypig actually wakes up afterwards.


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