DSP tries it: Unhinged toxic rant over boring Elden Ring streams, blames trolls/haters as usual!

Here are some highlights of a very toxic and unhinged rant because the Elden Ring streams are simply boring because of cheese strats, obvious guide reading etc. These are his actual wheelchairs complaining about how bored they are and somehow he manages to pin the blame on detractors and he kinda just goes from there! Hope you guys enjoy and please don’t forget to give the video a like, leave a comment and subscribe for more khantent!

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My favorite detractors!

What Doth Life SJC + Mrhuth Stuff 24/7 Stream –https://www.youtube.com/user/ndncnbvcuyuys/featured

Memology 101 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1X9HTMhyL4UpmjgkrN41oQ

David Davidson – https://www.youtube.com/user/Caucaznman30

Snort Burnell – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyEQJefmYZsUaaHWXHP9mlg/featured

Mrhuth Stuff – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC005KkNX0TJUh64ARQ-7mig

The Outsyder – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfC3fUm0U-76SrWu1cFhYkA

Ludwig World Order – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJheE_6WBSQH93kMJhV4U7A

Pocok – https://www.youtube.com/user/AullahPTFTW

Almighty Tevin – https://www.youtube.com/user/LPwithTevinC

Editman – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzMRAeJYwcKgrRyywWhEWQ

DSP tries it: Unhinged toxic rant over boring Elden Ring streams, blames trolls/haters as usual!
DSP tries it: Unhinged toxic rant over boring Elden Ring streams, blames trolls/haters as usual!
DSP tries it: Unhinged toxic rant over boring Elden Ring streams, blames trolls/haters as usual!


35 thoughts on “DSP tries it: Unhinged toxic rant over boring Elden Ring streams, blames trolls/haters as usual!”

  1. Hey what is up everyone? Soma Julius Cruz here with today's DSP tries it! For those of you wondering why last night's Let's Tolerate ended so abruptly, well it's because my ISP messed up. The internet just went out during last night's stream and I didn't have internet for around 30 minutes after that. Hope it doesn't happen again next weekend. Anyway so this was a pretty intense 20 minute meltdown but I did manage to trim it a little bit. This unhinged rant was all over the place but he somehow find a way to pin the blame on detractors as usual. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy and please don't forget to comment, rate and subscribe for more khantent!

  2. Once again, Phil comes dangerously close to realizing that his audience isn't there to "chill" with him, they just want the rage. That hurts Phil because if it's true then it means that the trolls were right all along.

  3. Phil, there is two ways to stream a fromsoft game.

    Be really good at the game

    Play the game how you want but actually be interesting and engaging.

    You are neither. I am not playing this game for a job, I’m playing it for fun, so I’m using whatever strong weapons and items that I find and feel like using. You don’t get to have that luxury, you have to find a way to make your streams interesting by handicapping yourself and still beating the bosses (getting gud) or by actually, I don’t know, be a halfway interesting streamer.

  4. Why is this man acting like they're asking him to kill kittens? Sucking at a video game is not the same as trying to hurt society or cause suffering. If you suck at a video game, the worst thing that will get injured is your pride, and probably your thumbs.

  5. He's complaining about getting trolled by his viewers, he needs to grow up, most streamers/let's players I watch get trolled by some of their viewers, because it's entertaining and they don't let it bother them.

  6. While phil is a complete loser… I do wonder about the ppl who also feel that way, supposedly… yet watch nearly all his streams, either on the mirror or in his chat. There's 'hate-watching' & then there's watching because you kinda sorta enjoy it. & in time, they start troll-tipping & maybe become a Snowkarl weirdo.

  7. Its scary how he doesn't know the BASIC game mechanics. 1. He once said that there's no way to tell if a drop will kill you or not. Yes there is. Rainbow Stones. 2. He thinks Grace is what you use to level up. He uses the word GRACE instead of RUNES. 3. He said he didn't know that Castle Mourne should've been done early game. The Sites Of Grace have a golden light that literally points you in the direction to go. How can a grown man be soooooo stupid? Never mind. Its Phil. Unbelievable.

  8. If you ever feel like a loser, Phil's life sucks because he spent his 20s stacking up thousands of dollars in credit card debt going to tournaments. Phil needs to get a life not anyone else.

  9. Once again, the big baby 🍼👶 blames the wrong people for his salty, boring streams. He'll never accept that the problem is him, not the game and not the audience.

    Cry 😭 more, Phil you big baby 🍼👶

  10. I'll admit, Porky can spin some serious bullshit – it almost, ALMOST sounds like he actually cares. Film At Eleven: "Patronised By A Pigroach: The Phil Burnell Story".

  11. I took his advice, I took videos of him and showed my family and friends and what happened? We all laughed at him too, so I guess I did get help Phil, just more people to laugh at you. Lmao.

  12. It's weird seeing a gamer who despises playing games. It's all about how much money said games can bring in through his whales before wage/rage quitting

    The only saving grace he has is that he produces so much salt and toxicity due to his inability to play different types of games that it creates content like this.

  13. This man wants to completely control the discourse in chat, and dictate how his audience should think and feel.

    He expects his followers to be mature enlightened adults who fight their human nature and desire to see others struggle against adversity.

    Meanwhile, watch this dude lose at a fighting game and see how he acts. Complete hypocrite.

  14. Christ people, he hasn't even gotten to the hard parts of the game yet. The bosses at the first castle aren't even worth mentioning compared to what come after. Well some of them aren't worth mentioning some are harder or easier pending on the players build and play style.


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