Drunken Pew-Pew Machine | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

#monsterhunter #monsterhunterrise #sunbreak #switch

Discord: https://discord.gg/sme5ASC
Tip Jar: patreon.com/Regnilla
Background Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vgijsgv5hs

*~*~* CHAT RULES *~*~*

Please follow the chat guidelines for this channel’s stream. Failure to do so may result in muting or a ban. Warnings might not always be given.

-Do not harass others
-Don’t spam
-Swearing is okay, so long as you are not being a complete A-Hole
-Will take suggestions, but not demands (don’t act entitled)
-Links are disabled, please don’t request to post links
-If you are under the age of 20, do not state your age or ask others their age
-A lot of sarcastic humor is featured here, try not to take any jokes too personally
-This is a chill hang out spot, and we encourage you to introduce yourself and have fun


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