Drones: Crimes Against the Sky

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24 thoughts on “Drones: Crimes Against the Sky”

  1. Quick clarification/correction: when I'm referring to Javelin missiles, I'm referring to the British-Made surface-to-air missiles that are used with MANPADS (man-portable air defense systems). Rather than the better known American-made FGM-148 Javelin missiles which are anti-tank missiles, also frequently used in Ukraine but not on drones. I incorrectly use footage of FGM-148 missiles and their launchers @25:23, which is confusing. Other surface-to-air missiles systems are used in Ukraine, like the stinger (which is relatively cheap) and the S300 (which are not cheap). But neither are as cheap as the Shahed-136.

  2. One slight nitpick was Ordinary man didn’t mention how the US’s switchblade drones have been operated in sharp contrast to Shahed. While Russia busies itself with killing kids and bombing infrastructure, Ukraine’s been decapitating their field commanders left, right, and center. On paper both systems are quite similar while in practice they’re being used quite differently.

    Besides that it was another excellent video as always, exposing the world’s horrors for us to see. 🙃

  3. The thing about it is, we're watching what people can jury rig with a 3D printer and a couple of days dropping improvised munitions. If you think Lockheed Martin and the like haven't been paying REAL close attention to Ukraine you're kidding yourself. There has been some work on spreading drone tech to the wider military prior to Ukraine, but this is going to super charge it.

  4. The Drone is a fascinating animal; the first recorded organism in history to prey on Yemeni tribal weddings, thus performing a crucial keystone species role to balance the arabian ecosystem. Thanks Obama 🙂

  5. There's something darkly humorous about the first recorded drone on drone combat being two three hundred dollar toys clumsily bumping into each other. Then again, the first combat between tanks and iron clad battleships were similarly farcical. If that's anything to go by, things are only gonna get scarier from here


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