Drone Captures What No One Was Supposed to See #5

The drone industry is rapidly growing, and it will continue to do so. There are pros and cons to drone technology, but as of right now, we see them as tiny but helpful aircraft. They are very capable of performing tasks such as rescue operations, surveillance, deliveries, and more.

But let’s focus on the most apparent benefit of drones, you can capture places and things from a bird’s eye view, and sometimes, you might catch something bizarre.

From a Large Slum to a forest on a ship, here are moments when a Drone Captures What No One Was Supposed to See #5

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~ Top Generality


40 thoughts on “Drone Captures What No One Was Supposed to See #5”

  1. This thing that’s you just showed last about that’s all white in the water looks like it might be what they call a gray man one of the aliens he’s got something connected to his nose so that way he can probably breathe but looks like he’s in a costume almost because if you look down at his pants or the water when he lifted his leg up it’s a gray color not white yet the other leg is white in the water because the hair is going to and down in the water whatever he’s got on it looks like a white skin possibility a wolf fur wrapped around them. That’s what it looks like to me like he’s hiding out running away not a normal child or young adult less than I would say at least questions in my mind still but it looks like it is a person but from a different planet and has a white woofer on it as a coat like. The arm still attached like to it but they’re like frozen and modified.

  2. It's amazing how American's overlook war crimes from OTHER COUNTRIES, yet they call the GREATEST NATION EVER, WHITE SUPREMECISTS! Um, if you like their values, please LEAVE HERE AND GO ANYWHERE BUT HERE!!!
    Why do SOO many people want to come to AMERICA!? Ask yourself THAT!
    BECAUSE THEIR COUNTRY SUCKS!!! SO, WE ARE THE LAST CIVILIZATION!!! Don't turn THIS country into the shithole you just vacated from!

  3. RE: @15:00. I've oft heard it said that "spiritis/dark energies" drain battery sources as a source of energy for them so if that is indeed true, it makes it more understandable as to why the bizarre imagine captured isn't more clear. There is NOTHING in the KNOWN Human or Animal World that can explain this image, therefore I conclude, to the best of my ltd common sense abilitiies anyway, that this must be some sort of "thing" from Satan's dark side of life⁉

  4. Through this video we see and learned things as we don't expect it to happen. Like the drone that came near to the Lions.

    We see that the Lions are alert and their instinct says, it's an enemy that came near to them.
    It is good to know their behaviors when it happen like this.
    For me that was not a threat. It is educational to many who doesn't know the characteristics of animals like those.

    Ruins are revealed.
    This must be given attention supposed to be but maybe it's not necessary for them so it is fine. It is not ours, it's them.
    We don't have the right to intervene but seeing those made us sense that there are things in the life people that we just let it to remain unslove and be it like mystery.

    The world is not perfect like humans do.
    Anyway, thank you for the video.
    It made me think of many things God created in the world.

    God bless you🙏🙏🙏

  5. One thing about alligators if you are on the edge or close to the edge of water, alligators will sometimes come on shore a little ways from where are at then circle back to try and get behind you so you are between them and the water because if they can get you into the water most times you are dead meat. Grew up in Florida almost every year you would hear a news story or two

  6. About the humanoid creature that seems to be coming out of the water walking towards the shoreline resembles that ugly ass man that look like a octopus by the face and the pirates of the Caribbean movie with Johnny Depp..
    On second thought that look like this drunk ass dude down the street that sleepwalks while being comatose!!


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