Drive-by shooters open fire on 2 Florida homes striking 2 teens, 1 child

Deputies in Polk County are searching for suspects who unleashed a hail of gunfire on two homes in Lake Wales early Monday morning, with the shootings happening less than 20 minutes apart. Polk Sheriff Grady Judd says investigators believe the drive-by shootings possibly involve rival gangs, but the victims who were shot in the homes were teens or children.

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38 thoughts on “Drive-by shooters open fire on 2 Florida homes striking 2 teens, 1 child”

  1. These subhumans wouldn't have a place in societies like Putin's Russia. They'd be put down to sleep fast unlike in the US where they're out free and become heroes like Floyd

  2. these moron gangsters are ruining our communities. you have to have prosecutors & judges who will put these thugs away for life. they have no redeeming value. their eyes are empty. there is nothing there.

  3. aahh a me rica… there's always a reason to fire a G un…

    Non Stop Daily Shoo ting across the count three..

    bad hair day, bang bang bang…

    hurt feeling, bang bang bang…

    being honk at, bang bang bang…

    being cut off, bang bang bang…

    not enough chicken, bang bang bang…

    too much mayonnaise, bang bang bang…

    cold french fries, bang bang bang…

    G un In-fested sh*thole count three..

  4. In every city and town in America, these young chocolates killing and robbing. Wait til this summer.Looting like never before. Shoplifting already out of control. I was in a 7/11 New Years day when ones stole and ran out the door with clerk chasing him.


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