Dramatic video appears to show heavy losses among Russian armored formations

The eastern front has seen some of the heaviest fighting in Ukraine. Ukrainian and Russian sources say that the Russian mechanized brigade trying to push through the town of Vuhledar saw significant losses recently. CNN’s David McKenzie has more. #CNN #News #shorts


21 thoughts on “Dramatic video appears to show heavy losses among Russian armored formations”

  1. Launch missiles to most important cities in Russia same as Putin launch to you too . Why Ukrainian soldiers just wait wait for Putin fight in Ukraine only wait wait for what

  2. I would believe you but since the war has started all I hear is Russia losing and losing and losing. They have to make some kind of progress with all the military power they have and I hear nothing of Russia's side of the war. People want to know the truth of the war. If you don't know the truth, do not put it on video or on the news

  3. I feel sorry for the families of the Russian cannon fodder. That said, I hope the Ukrainian military kicks their asses all the way back to Siberia. Slava Ukraine!!!

  4. Too bad Russia. You pissed off a bull called Ukraine that we will use to hammer πŸ”¨ Putin out of office (and due to a giant Russian window recall don't lean on a Soviet Window…Ok Vlad?) Just trying to look out for you Putin. But I bet he is very scared 😱 of windows anyway unless it is armored. Right Vlad? A little fear 😨 of going out for a walk in Red Square? Nahh. It is supposed to rain. That's all. It may be wet. Take your umbrella. Go on out though. It's good for health. In your Karate uniform. Or on a horse shirtless. Make it funny for the west. We have a good sense of humor.
    Come on Vlad? Just fall off the horse 🐎 or slip and fall to the tune of Benny Hill. That would be πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘ Just fan fu**ing-tastic!


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