Drag queen reading session for kids cancelled over 'threats of violence'

Sky News host Peta Credlin says Monash council cancelled a drag queen reading session for children over “threats of violence” however she doesn’t think anyone other than educators should be reading to kids.

“These drag queen story reading sessions happen a lot overseas … they’re certainly now turning up in Victoria, surprise, surprise, but also elsewhere, a big fight with the Monash council, a lot of parents turned up to the council meeting quite angry about this,” Ms Credlin said.

“The council has now cancelled the drag queen reading session, they’re saying that’s because of threats of violence … I don’t think anyone wants to see anyone other than educators and other types read to kids.”


33 thoughts on “Drag queen reading session for kids cancelled over 'threats of violence'”

  1. It's what you wanted so stop preaching your against it you don't really mean what you say it's trying to convince people your against inspite of the fact your truly pro for this crap from Marcus in australia no comment needed or like.

  2. Nicole Flint is a fuckwit. She’s a prude who championed policies that worked against women constantly. Oh, and Fox News – have you heard the news? Your saviour Donald Trump and Fucker Carlson are planning to fuck you (Fox news) over. I think I’m gonna cum!

  3. 691st..Ohh Look Australia has WHITE TRASH Rightwing FILTH too…. like that POS KHUNT, suffering from obvious Case of GLADYS KRAVITZITUS…..she cant mind her own FKN Business

  4. Americans are sick of pedo Joe and the freak regime pushing this insane bs! There's no such thing as transgender! If you can't change your chromazone you can't change your gender

  5. "Whats the big push on this?"
    One word. Indoctrination.
    Just like climate cultists and pedophiles, they prefer to get to them as young as possible.

  6. Moanash Council should be congratulated for canceling this entirely stupid suggestion by educators to hold a Drag Queen reading session

    How could anybody even think let alone hold such a sick session on children?

    It's little wonder Parents have to resort to violence to protect their children, society has lost sight of protection of our most vunerable

  7. Explainer…..

    What is a Drag Queen Story Hour?

    Drag queen performers read children's books to young audiences and their families. The books that are read sometimes also feature LGBTQ characters.

    The events – usually hosted at public libraries and bookshops – are typically aimed at children aged between three and 11.

    The first event was founded in San Francisco by LGBTQ+ author and activist Michelle Tea in 2015. Tea has said she came up with the concept as a child-friendly way to introduce her young son to the LGBTQ culture.

    Child educators say that drag acts are inherently sexual, and that nursery and primary school-aged children are too young to be introduced to LGBTQ culture

    In America and England concerned Parents have taken to picketing events, Government and local Government Authories have had to bring in extra security most have made the decision to cancel events to prevent inherently sexual themes presented to nursery and primary school-aged children too young to be introduced to LGBTQ propaganda

  8. The most violent people are the pro trans, pro woke, lefty clowns when they dont get their way!
    Is it appropriate that the Victorian Premier, insults and mocks the protesters who didn't want a man dressed in drag reading trans propaganda to their children? Daniel Andrews is an embarrassment and a dangerous clown and needs to be removed!

  9. A few more Melbourne councils have canceled Drag Queen storytelling events because of Children's safety fears

    Why not replace Drag Queen Story Hour with a Senior Citizen Story Hour

    Bring in great Grandmas and Grandpas from Senior Citizen's homes to read to our Children

    Far safer for Children to delight them with fables of old

  10. If you are not ashamed, then do as you want. Isn't it the time for them to go back to their holes, once again, and forever this time? There must be a firm stand this time with whoever runs this brothel


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