Dr. Thomas Sowell | Social Justice Fallacies

It’s an honor to be joined by one of the greatest living thinkers of our time, Dr. Thomas Sowell. In his new book, Social Justice Fallacies, Dr. Sowell debunks some of the biggest myths within the social justice movement. 

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34 thoughts on “Dr. Thomas Sowell | Social Justice Fallacies”

  1. Just say it, it comes down to morals, values and culture. Some have more than others plain and simple. It's really not that difficult to understand just seems hard for most to say out loud in public.

  2. Candace and you need to sit down and talk it out. I am a supporter of both of you. Ben, I feel like the Israel issue is very personal for you. I have no idea what the right course of action is with Israel, but I can tell that you aren't approaching the Israel issue with your usual "facts don't care about your feelings" self. You are approaching this like a lot of Americans did after 9/11. It isn't right how you've treated Candace for just having an opinion.

    You need to gather yourself, call her up or something, apologize to each other, and quit with this shit. It's sad to see the in-fighting. You two are some of the people that those who want liberty and freedom from the left's tyranny are supposed to look up to. I implore you to seek her out and actually talk with her. You may not agree that Israel has taken this too far, but her positions on this are definitely not extreme. She's not some Pro-Hamas protestor, she's just concerned for the welfare of people in Gaza and the future of the US. Whether Israel is taking this too far or not, history will decide. She hasn't gone off the deep end though like you seem to be claiming.

    I feel like you two can reconcile and have a real rational discussion on this. If you two cannot do this, it is a loss for us all. Every human being has certain topics in which they lose their rationality. Whether or not you are right, you are no longer approaching this rationally. I'm sure there are some topics that would throw Candace into an irrational mindset as well. I call on you two to be the leaders of free thought that we need. We will never get this country back to where we need it if we are fighting amongst ourselves.

  3. He’s just an apologist for oppressors; a traitor to his own. His dumb (and wrong) conservative points boil down to: “racism is not a problem, and poverty is poor people’s fault”

  4. BEN! Why are you so worried about Black People's grievances when you were just sitting here crying over Candace Owens words about you and your people? What happens if anyone Black Or White have these conversations about your people? Yeah, I know. lol

  5. Why I don't buy Ben's arguments, nor Thomas Sowell's arguments:

    Ben obviously had Dr. Sowell on, because of his feud with Candace Owens. Ben wanted moral support, for his opinions? Having a great economist and thinker on, helps if he's black. My deepest respect to Thomas Sowell, he's generally right about ability varying and we should be very cautious about trying to fix inequality. But to me, there are deeper issues that need to be addressed. Let's talk about their feud. How do we get to reasonable? I want reasonable.

    Life is a deal. That's how we get, to reasonable. We listen to both sides. On Ben's side, he wants Israel to survive. I support that. But on Candace's side, she put her finger on something no one wants to talk about: Jewish influence in money and politics. Only a complete idiot talks about these things, nowadays. However: Being a complete idiot that I am, I'll talk about it anyhow: It's really about hate and history and technology and money and politics. We need to understand that, so we can move on, to a better place:

    How hate makes people stupid, damages us all: For a long time in Europe, Jews and Christians have not gotten along, to put it mildly. There is a curious scientific paper, done by Mormons, about The Natural History or Ashkenazi Jews. About them being clever, as a group. The thing is: AJs are a small minority, even within Judaism, and are sometimes very clever people, like Dave Rubin. And usually nice guys, like Dave. That's where Jews got a reputation for being clever: from reality.

    This played out in the history of America and Europe: Part of the reaction from clever Jews, to being persecuted by Christians, was to invent many ideas that hoped to make the world a better place: communism, heavy influence on post-modernism, The Frankfurt School, the ACLU, influencing feminism, co-founders of Black Lives Matter. All these? Terrible ideas.

    But they did a lot of good, too: Richard Dawkins has talked about how, 25% of Nobel Prizes in Science, have gone to Jews, so there might be something going on, biologically. I think that's right. I like Candace. She sticks up for white people. She talks about the insanity, the racism in university, against white people. What a lady. Total class act. But what Candace might not realize: the same thing that is happening to Jews, that happened to white people. What is that? When people get successful, other people resent that. For instance: Danish researcher Helmuth Nyborg noted that for the past several thousand years, 97% of all invention, has come from white Europeans. No one really knows why that is, but it is. My suspicion as to why, is that there are tiny micro-variations in human populations.

    Now, white people invented the modern world, freedom and democracy embedded in a government in the genius of the American Constitution, science, capitalism and the corporation. That's great, for everyone of every race or religion. These things produce an abundance never seen before in human history. Almost all of this, for whatever reasons, invented by white people.

    But a curious thing then happened in America: Jews are a tiny ethnic group, a very tiny number of them acquired a lot of money. Where is this going? To politics and the corruption of politics: Wealth is hyper-concentrated in capitalism. Dr. Steve Turley, the pro-Israel Christian conservative you tuber, has noted in a recent video, that since the 1970s, in both main American political parties, there has been a very, very sharp decline in public trust in government. Republicans feel that way. So do Democrats.

    What is going on? All you need to know, is in the song, Rich Men, North of Richmond, Virginia: our political process has been captured by money.

    Since big money is extremely concentrated in America, the political interests of the super-rich are vastly over represented, at a high political level. The thing is, Jews get blamed by a lot of people, because a few have a lot of money, influence politics….usually on the political left. But, is it fair to blame all Jews, for the actions of a few? Of course not. Most are just ordinary Americans. So why do a few people have way more power and money than most? Micro-variations in humans. The way micro-variations in IQ work, small group differences show up in small numbers, at the tail end of the distribution of a normal curve on a graph, meaning: a tiny number of people win, get most of the money, most of the power. In economics, it's called The Pareto Principle.

    This wealth and influence concentration is definitely not just a Jewish thing, the same thing applies to all populations. For instance Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley are Indian. What has this to do with Jewish people? Glad you asked: America is quite selective in picking immigrants from India. We pick the best and brightest. Is it any wonder Indian Americans earn 2X the income level, as white Americans? Not surprising at all, their population IQ level is 105. This means, it's not a Jewish thing. It's bigger than that.

    My whole point in this, is that capitalism and democracy are being destroyed, not by an ethnic conspiracy. There is not a conspiracy by Nikki and Vivek, to manipulate American economics and politics, so Indians earn a lot of money. But it's happening. Why? The simple fact is, human ability varies between groups. And within groups, even more.

    Why this is important: People from groups with high cognitive ability, have an economic advantage. Modern life is complex. Modern economics heavily favors people who are clever. That fact itself, is pretty much ruining capitalism. That's why, as Dr. Steve said, most Americans of both political parties, they don't believe for a second, the federal government is looking after their economic interests: because they are not.

    Recommended video: Mark Dice, "Ben Shapiro vs Candace Owens Beef Escalates BIG TIME" November 17, 2023 on Mark's channel. He wrote a book on what I wrote. Available on Amazon.

    Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos are not Jewish. They have more wealth, than the bottom 50% of Americans, combined. Guess who Joe Biden listens to, the most? The Rich Men, North of Richmond, Virginia. Jews are over represented among the super rich, super successful people who run politics, no doubt about that. But as long as we have free speech, we can figure out why some groups do well, others do not. And do something about it, so more people succeed.

    Most Jewish people are well intentioned, I have a bias: I like them. Maybe it's my Christian heritage… But the past lives with us, still. Due to historical persecution, to try to survive and make the world a better place, a few Jews invented a lot of ideas that turned out to be some of the worst ideas in human history. Such as communism. 100 Million dead under communism, according to Jordan Peterson.

    Karl Marx was Jewish, looking for Social Justice, was a complete idiot. The University campuses now are infested by some of the worst ideas in history. Solution? Jews and Christians need to work together, to get rid of the Woke poison. As Elon Musk said, Woke is a mind virus. 🧠Great guy, Elon, I think you'll agree. Doing tremendous good in the world. Technology, as Dave said, incentivizes bad behavior. So does the Woke curriculum at university, that teaches to hate people, based on their white skin color. Jews like Ben Shapiro are working hard, to get rid of Woke. He's a hero. Candace is a hero as well. They need to realize: they are on the same team. We all are. Never hate, be reasonable.

    Hate make people stupid, damages us all. So, what's the deal? That's up to Candace and Ben to work out. Candace and Ben are both fine people. Especially Candace. But again: that's my bias, not necessarily yours. But everyone needs to be biased, against hate. It has no place in America.

  6. You can tell how juvenile and intellectually immature Ben Shapiro's cult is by how they are responding to this Candance drama. All they can do is whine and pretend "nobody cares" when it's obvious that yes, people actually do care. Talk about being delusional.

  7. Fact 1: Hama's are a official Terrorist Organisation
    Fact 2: Many Palestinian Supporters are closet Hama's Supporters
    Fact 3: Thomas Sowell and Ben Shapiro are True American Patriots 🇺🇸 🇮🇱

  8. Shapiro is a bully. He is inconsistent, immature, prideful, arrogant. He talks really fast so his glib errors in logic are over-looked and he resorts to condescending name-calling attacks a lot. He tries to be a conservative but is not consistent in that. He calls anything he disagrees with antisemitic and denies any other group the same right of protection from defamation and hate. He seems particularly disrespectful toward Christians.


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