Dr. Steven Greer was offered $2 Billion Dollars to keep UFOs a secret

On February 20th, 2023, Dr. Steven Greer will join us to uncover the dark secrets surrounding UFOs/UAPs. For the past 30 years, Dr. Greer has been studying a phenomenon that has been twisted, manipulated, and disregarded from the highest levels. This is not some conspiracy; it is proven data that Greer has spent millions of dollars and his own time investigating.
Dr. Steven Greer SRS EP. 048, February 20th, 2023.

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41 thoughts on “Dr. Steven Greer was offered $2 Billion Dollars to keep UFOs a secret”

  1. To offer 2 billion dallors to only 1 person to keep his mouth shut and to stop doing wat he's doing is "MIND BLOWING "LIKE shit is really real out hear my people it's going down and we are only getting closer they now see we have phones we see all activities we have cameras everyware were all communicating constantly keeping up with all this shit they know we know now it's all coming to a end my people were finally going to find out wats going on embrace yourself my peeps

  2. You mean u haven’t tried his app that allows you to travel to different galaxies and talk to aliens just like he can? Or you don’t believe that he can do it? (At the same time though believes the government is holding back tech for free energy(never thought about asking the aliens for it himself….))

  3. Everyone knows Greer is legit. He’s been trying to spare humanity all the shit you stupid motherphukers deserve. It doesn’t even matter that you don’t understand his value to your worthless life

  4. No One is going to give anyone 2 billion dollars and say "join my team". There are 748 known Billionaires on planet earth. It would raise 50 times the red flags if they took you from broke to billionaire overnight. Cut the crap!

  5. “And it came to be, when men began to increase on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men, that they were good. And they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. And יהוה said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever in his going astray. He is flesh, and his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of Elohim came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, the men of name. And יהוה was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.”
    ‭‭Berĕshith (Genesis)‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭4‬, ‭6‬ ‭TS2009‬‬

  6. This guy is a compulsive liar that has made his entire career and life revolving around one lie after another. I watched the whole interview and I will admit, some things he says are very convincing. But then whenever he is asked a question he admits he knows alot about the subject l, which range from Marilyn Monroe, meditation to having his own experience which he never talked about. Everyone he mentioned is either dead or wont reveal what they know for their own safety. Until he pulls out one of his energy making devices which he claims there are over a dozen he has seen, he is a liar and a charlatan to me.

  7. Such bullshit lol. Feed the people shit and keep them in the dark. Orchestrate stories like this to keep the truth hidden. Keep OUR technology buried until it’s needed. We have enemies that are hell bent on our destruction and they are getting stronger daily. The more the world believes it’s aliens, the safer our defensive secrets and technology stay

  8. Look up Jason Rice and the secret space program. This is considerably more complicated than what you could possibly imagine and believe it or not it involves Nazis in Antarctica at the end of World War II and General Admiral Bird and the Cabal. It's not complicated once you understand the truth or…

    You can believe in some white guy sitting in a cloud keeping track of everyone and everything

  9. This man has no credentials to have all the credit he takes for being a foremost authority, let alone a government official informant. His jump from ER Trauma doctor to ufologist leaves a career gap which he still hasn't explained, aside from his uncle's company that sparked his obsession in space. Until he provides legitimate credentials and testimonials from colleagues who prove he is a credible source, he will only ever be a snake oil salesman and conman.

  10. Since Greer started this charade, he has yet to produce 1% of any proof, of any claim. The film he claims is coming out this year, DOES NOT EXIST. The only thing he "think's He is good at is lieing and manipulating the masses., #FACTS


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