DPR IAN Talks Moodswings In To Order, His Time in the Kpop Industry & Living with Bipolar Disorder

All interviews can be heard first on AMP! Live Monday – Friday from 3-6p PT. https://t.co/y3UrDZP3ab – use access code: “BEAUTIFULHUMAN”

DPR IAN’s “Moodswings In To Order” album and film available everywhere now!
Stream and Purchase here: https://orcd.co/miito

Watch Official MIITO Movie (Part 1):

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DPRIAN
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Website: https://dreamperfectregime.com

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37 thoughts on “DPR IAN Talks Moodswings In To Order, His Time in the Kpop Industry & Living with Bipolar Disorder”

  1. I didn't even notice how fast the interview ended. 😳
    I know the dpr crew songs for years now and I was able to see them in concert last week. It's amazing work they do. Thanks Ian for showing the rarest side.❤

  2. As someone who’s experienced hypomania, psychosis, delusions etc (induced by cannabis), the way you relate to Ian is different from someone who doesn’t know how any of the above feels like. It’s a different world. I was diagnosed with drug induced psychosis so things may be different, but this is my experience: I’ve always been interested in music. During my regular weed use I did a lot of music, analyzing artists and what made them big. I felt like I legitimately found the secret formula to the music industry, like if I did XYZ I was guaranteed to be Travis Scott level popular. And also I became convinced that the world is a simulation, I was convinced I had the evidence that we are all AIs. Of course now that Ive been sober for long I don’t think this anymore, but during my heavy weed use I was fully convinced. Days following quitting cold turkey I was prone to believing my intrusive thoughts, convincing myself to take action on them. This is all what my psychiatrist called “hypomanic”. I’m glad I haven’t had a manic episode, when I was hypomanic I had enough adrenaline to make me feel like I could rob a bank if I was truly convinced. Can’t imagine how it must be to live with regular manic episodes with psychosis (Bipolar 1 diagnostic criteria so Ian must have them). Must be hard to trust yourself and your own judgement. I’m glad Ian has good people in his life who know of his condition so that he can ask them and trust their judgement whenever his manic episode comes.

  3. The eloquence of christian is so impressive. I think him being able to talk about it is amazing and them making him feel confortable is also appreciable. Personality disorder aren't spoken that much, and the fact that every single of his songs have a story behind is amazing. Having a disorder can be so painful and being a celebrity on top of that is also stressful, so christian really did a great job.
    My fav part was when he started explaining the story behind everything with God creating a universe and someone being jealous of an angel, I find it so creative and it made me dive a lot more deeper into is musical environment! Also the soft spoken voice is making everything so enjoyable to listen.

  4. Watching this interview made me see DPR Ian in a different way…I respect and love his music even more now..and it also made me a fan of this show…great interviewers, looking genuinely interested in this guy's life and story..keep up the good work you all ♥

  5. I’m glad that many of us could find such an inspiring artist like DPR IAN who’s trying to make a lot of us understand how to manage and adapt to our mental illnesses into our daily lives instead of hiding them and pretending they are not there. Helping us find the beauty behind everything and learning how to use it for the good even though is considered something bad and twisted. This is just giving us some hope even when we are at our lowest.

  6. Thank you Christian for sharing your journey.. Sometimes it's so necessary to even share.. Can't imagine how draining it would be to fight against your emotions and facing different personalities and still thriving for your goals.. You are such a fighter ❤
    I hope you find more peace than chaos and achieve greater heights of success ✨

  7. IAN and I are quite similar 😂😂 I started to listening music in early age in library..my fantasy is also really heavy. And I was leaving when they closed doors. Now im listening music in youtube. And I was something 15 when one women came to me at street offering modeling career..but I didn't listen her I just walked away. And I like art alot. I was also lil bit in art school. I'm drawing and painting quite good and it's something what I want to do really in my life. And my mathematics went suddenly crazy when I was 16 or 17years old….but now its normal again. But back then my head was so open that I was like computer. And one time in the classroom teacher wanted that everyone sing country hymn. When my time came I was rapping it suddenly 😂😂😂 everyone was blown away with that…but I was thinking that I cant sing and I wanted just to finish this stupid song fast😂😂😂 . And im also good with the rhyming 😂 but yeah now im 32 and nothing 😂😂😂😂 my life is now boring and really pointless. Boring work, 5 years old child, sitting at home and just listening music and living in my fantasy world with the aliens 😂😂😂🤭👽❤

  8. Salut banget ke orang-orang kaya Ian ini. Menjelaskan dirinya secara jujur tanpa menyangkal keadaan dirinya. Respect banget ke Ian yang udah bisa "menamai" sisi dirinya yang lain. Love you Ian, and i love me too. I try being like you do😊


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