Doug Casey: the west is in major decline, what you can do about it

Doug Casey, founder of Casey Research, joins Small Caps to share his views on what’s taking place in the world, financial markets, where opportunity may be for investors and what we might see next.

Biden’s speech as discussed in the interview:

DHS video as discussed in the interview:

Doug Casey’s Take YouTube channel:


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43 thoughts on “Doug Casey: the west is in major decline, what you can do about it”

  1. Drawing the wide lens back and applying focus. I was cooking at the time when listening to this. Doug's mentioning the Jacobins made me dry my hands and type. We need to hear him clearly. History (and a knowledge of it) is everything.

  2. Personally, if I could design my house from scratch and locate it in a more ideal location several miles away, I could get by on solar, wind, batteries and a little bit of combustion during the dark of the fall and winter. As it is, I need nuclear power and hydro-power and the bird choppers only look like a bit of hamburger helper for the hydro-power.
    But to manufacture things, I'll need real steady power and lots of it. For ore mining, ore processing, metal making and processing and then manufacturing, shipping and so it goes.

  3. Take away the subsidies and mandates and 'investment' in wind and solar would cease immediately.
    Affordable reliable energy is the lifeblood of economic prosperity , yet our leaders are being supported by some to destroy our energy , in a totally impotent delusion that they can control the climate.

  4. This guy is delusional. Petrobras is a buy? Maybe, or maybe the Real will continue to lose value against the dollar and maybe if they ever find oil again their government will nationalize it again. Petrobras a buy? Good luck there

  5. Doug is absolutely correct about debt. When I was early twenty’s I took out student loans and had I decently high credit limit. Took full advantage of both. Took me just over 11 years to pay all that off. The interest alone is a killer. Glad that is behind me because I sleep much better knowing I don’t own anyone anything. Never doing that again.

  6. I completely disagree with Doug. In 2014 Ukrainian people decided to pivot towards the EU after a betrayal by the then Ukrainian (Russian puppet) leader, who blocked the pivot which the people demanded. In response Russia sent in part of their army with no insignia, claiming that it was the people of some of the regions of Ukraine which bordered Russia that were out in force against the rest of the people of Ukraine, in support of Russia.

    Of course this was followed by a phony election within these now Russian controlled regions. Ukraine is a sovereign nation, and if we believe in freedom we should all support their right to pivot towards the EU regardless of Russia's threats. Crimea has been part of Ukraine since 1954 and after the fall of the USSR it logically follows that it remains part of Ukraine.

    Ukraine is not a shit hole country, Kiev has a separate history from Russia going back over two thousand years and their people diligently produce huge amounts of goods which benefit everyone. I wouldn't even say Russia is a shit hole country, it just has (currently) a shit hole government and a shit hole section of society.

  7. They already had this technology 100’s years ago – they have hidden it from us so we have to pay for it it’s nonsense that there’s a problem with oil . Omg I’m changing Chanels we have heaps of minerals everywhere

  8. The time has come for the people who have been living above their means to take from those who have been working hard and have had a relatively meagre existence. As far as I can see, that is happening in Ukraine with Russia taking Ukrainian people and their houses. However self interested Americans are, the problem is not just in America. Gold probably is a safe haven, but it always would have been in the end.
    Trump probably would have sacrificed the Ukrainian people to buy America another year or two, but eventually it would have been Poland and Germany. Notwithstanding, I was able to easily envisage China inflicting a new "Pearl Harbour" event on America. For all that Biden is bad, maybe somehow America did the right thing in advance of the coming world war three. Maybe even it will take the steam out of it. No doubt America will charge the world for the privilege, such is its prerogative. So yes, gold probably is a safe haven.

  9. Doug Casey — I am reading your books (Speculator, Drug Lord, Assassin)and making NOTES. Thank you for the work you do. God Bless YOU and I hope you are able to complete the series of novels you are working on with John Hunt. Stay Safe. You Speak the TRUTH.

  10. Wow. So many people commenting on here are absolutely clueless about what's coming..The ignorance and arrogance is breathtaking..Thanks for having a man of Dougs experience and intellect on..People do not want to hear the truth.

  11. yes, there ARE 10x too many people for the earth to give them all a decent living. Our numbers DO have to be reduced (a lot) and the consumption-level of the survivors has to be reduced, too (a LOT.)

  12. What people fail to see is that this is a GLOBAL revolution. America being the last to fall. Every other place will be easy to tame under their dictatorship. So there is nowhere to run…

  13. Doug Casey knows the score. Kids toys, windmills and magnifying glasses are FOLLY. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The financial markets poised for disaster! SELL STOCKS. BUY GOLD AND SILVER COINS!

  14. Destroy Mystery Babylon America
    Ichabod To The Laodicean satanic 501C3 Church that perverts Acts 2:42-47 into a building on sunday.Wake-up Ostriches

    Agenda 2030
    You'll own nothing & be happy.

    Taking away your money freedom.

    Whatever you want, you'll rent & will be delivered by drone.

    Population & job reduction.

    America's dominance & western values will be removed.

    3D printing of food & human organs.

    You'll eat less meat.

    Open borders giving access to refugees. 

    Removing want for fossil fuels.

    Alien life revealed.

    The Emperor Has No Clothes.


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